open femorotibial joint space (equal width on both sides)bony trabecular detail and soft tissue position for lateral knee Patient turned toward affected side, affected knee flexed and brought forward, unaffected extremity extended behind it (may also be placed infront), 20 to 30 degree flexion ...
Key facts about the posterior thigh musclesTable quiz Semimembranosus Origins: (superolateral impression of) Ischial tuberosityInsertions: Medial condyle of tibiaInnervation: Tibial division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)Functions: Thigh extension and internal rotation at hip joint; leg flexion and internal...
Learn the most important structures of the knee joint and their anatomical relations. Explore MRI scan Different MRI sequences allows for different contrast between adjacent structures of a given body region. One sequence that is very useful to evaluate the knee joint - and most ...