启动自己的label-studio,可以指定一个port,不指定默认port=8080。正常启动后,在浏览器中就能访问LS了。新建一个自己的标注任务,并导入数据。 用label-studio-ml start /data/xxx/label_studio_ml_backend/label_studio_ml/examples/yyy/ -p 12389 --debug,启动自己的ml-backend后端。对...
The Label Studio ML backend is an SDK that lets you wrap your machine learning code and turn it into a web server. The web server can be connected to a runningLabel Studioinstance to automate labeling tasks. If you just need to load static pre-annotated data into Label Studio, running an...
pip install -r label_studio_ml/examples/requirements.txt 创建与启动模型:定义模型 在使用label-studio后端之前,要先定义好自己的训练模型,模型的定义需要继承自label-studio指定的类,具体可参考第四节。 创建后端模型:按照要求创建好的模型文件的路径假设为/Users/kyrol/Desktop/my_ml_backend.py,终端中执行以下...
//github.com/heartexlabs/label-studio-ml-backend", packages=setuptools.find_packages(), include_package_data=True, classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", ], install_requires=requirements, python_...
If your data is stored in a cloud, local directory, or has been imported into Label Studio, you will need to set the LABEL_STUDIO_URL and LABEL_STUDIO_API_KEY environment variables. For more information, see Allow the ML backend to access Label Studio data. 5...
git clone https://github.com/HumanSignal/label-studio-ml-backend.git cd label-studio-ml-backend/label_studio_ml/examples/{MODEL_NAME} docker-compose up Replace {MODEL_NAME} with the name of the model you want to use (see below). Allow the ML backend to access Label Studio data In most...
getenv('LABEL_STUDIO_ML_BACKEND_V2', default=LABEL_STUDIO_ML_BACKEND_V2_DEFAULT): # TODO: Deprecated branch since LS 1.5 return cls._key(project) in cls._current_model else: return cls._current_model is not None @classmethod def get(cls, project): if not os....
Workflow run: https://github.com/HumanSignal/label-studio-ml-backend/actions/runs/8598687906Loading branch information nikitabelonogov committed Apr 8, 2024 1 parent aa7908a commit a00ef84 Showing 1 changed file with 9 additions and 45 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 54 ch...
Configs and boilerplates for Label Studio's Machine Learning backend - label-studio-ml-backend/requirements-test.txt at master · neozhu/label-studio-ml-backend
Configs and boilerplates for Label Studio's Machine Learning backend - Issues · HumanSignal/label-studio-ml-backend