The present study aimed at comparing three types of laboratory experiments commonly used in the context of radioactive waste for the determination of the transport properties of two non-reactive tracers, HTO and 125 I, in Boom Clay. Two Boom Clay samples with orientation parallel and perpendicular...
For the static experiments, both equilibrium and kinetic batch tests were performed at a 1:3 and 3:1 soil:solution ratio. The batch data were analysed to quantify the deposition parameters under static conditions. Column tests were performed for dynamic flow experiments with KCl solution and ...
lab-scale 实验室规模 相关短语 laboratory experiments (实验室) 实验 exhaust fume hood (用于实验室中) 毒气柜 probe aircraft (有实验设备的飞机) 试验机 perivine (实验性抗肿瘤药) 波里芬 spot gluing (木模的) 点胶合 calibrating strap (拉模的) 定径带 unbacked shell (熔模) 高强型壳 rapping (模...
Experiments were carried out in alab-scaledouble-dipleg circulating fluidized bed (DDCFB) to study effects of experiment conditions on re-circulating rate and pressure balance. 主要研究了试验工况对循环流率的影响以及系统的压力平衡变化。 单词专题...
Lab-scale experiments considering these state variables are imperative to pursue a successful scale-up [39,40,41,42]. Morschett et al. already published a mini review on micro photobioreactors that focuses mainly on microtiter plates, while other reactor types are marginally covered [43]. This ...
Data from lab scale experiments resembling mill conditions are therefore used to validate the model. A second objective is to assess how sensitive the model is to reaction kinetic parameters and material properties. Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through...
010. Nanocomposite materials: from lab-scale experiments to prototypes Ardi Dortmans, Lawrence F. Batenburg, Theodorus P. M. Koster, Roel G. Nelissen, Hartmut Fischer * TNO-TPD, Innovative Materials, Institute of Applied Physics, POB 595, 5600 AN Eindhoven, The ...
For the static experiments, both equilibrium and kinetic batch tests were performed at a 1:3 and 3:1 soil:solution ratio. The batch data were analysed to quantify the deposition parameters under static conditions. Column tests were performed for dynamic flow experiments with KCl solution and ...
Perform experiments with skill and confidence in your lab course using this easy-to-understand manual! This proven manual contains 15 general chemistry and 20 organic/biochemistry safety-scale laboratory experiments developed during more than 35 years of laboratory instruction. Blending laboratory skills ...
We use different volcanic rock samples to generate ash in the lab.We apply four different experimental set ups on our rock samples to generate ash.We find that different experiments generate different particle size distributions.We find that different energies involved in experiments affect the amount...