Chang-Gu LeeEnvironmental Functional Materials & Biocolloids LaboratorySong-Bae KimDepartment of Rural Systems EngineeringTaylor & FrancisDesalination and water treatmentPark SJ, Lee CG, Kim SB (2014) Lab-scale experiments and model analyses for bacterial removal in flow-through columns containing ...
Table 1 Challenges during a scale-up of photobioreactors Full size table Laboratory-scale cultivation should already consider the large-scale systems in terms of reactor type, climatic, operating conditions and nutrients Often, laboratory-scale experiments are performed with optimized strains, synthetic ...
Data from lab scale experiments resembling mill conditions are therefore used to validate the model. A second objective is to assess how sensitive the model is to reaction kinetic parameters and material properties. Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through...
Perform experiments with skill and confidence in your lab course using this easy-to-understand manual! This proven manual contains 15 general chemistry and 20 organic/biochemistry safety-scale laboratory experiments developed during more than 35 years of laboratory instruction. Blending laboratory skills ...
它们是用来触碰与研究的,它们不按档案顺序组织,而是作为具有历史性质的实验室的试验(laboratory experiments)。奇特物品小东西的清单会很长——从熟悉的(Commodore 64 是最近在信号实验室举办的密集研讨会/课程的主要课题)到不太为人所知的关联性媒介(media-related),如基底实验室中包括示波器和许多其他测量设备的技术...
它们是用来触碰与研究的,它们不按档案顺序组织,而是作为具有历史性质的实验室的试验(laboratory experiments)。奇特物品小东西的清单会很长——从熟悉的(Commodore 64 是最近在信号实验室举办的密集研讨会/课程的主要课题)到不太为人所知的关联性媒介(media-related),如基底实验室中包括示波器和许多其他测量设备的技术...
Embryoids are desirable partly because real embryos are scarce: the main source is leftovers from IVF treatment. They are also hard to grow. That makes it tricky to run large-scale experiments. Embryoids offer a less ethically fraught alternative. ...
were assessed in 63 ind 4) Deep learning in bioinformatics and medicine Deep learning is a recent and fast-growing field of machine learning. It attempts to model abstraction from large-scale data by employing multi-layered deep neural networks, thus making sense of data such as genomics, ...
2.Widely used, according to different material and product character, use many screws/machine barrels of different length combination, fit for various material experiments.3. Special distributor case and bearing, to improve the extruder performance.4. Multipoint temperatuer...
Two photon microscopy utilises two photons of half the energy (and thus twice the wavelength), that interact with the fluorophore within the timescale of attoseconds of each other, exciting the fluorophore and causing fluorescence emission. Benefits of using two-photon excitation include ...