Validated Performance Prediction of Adsorption Chillers: Bridging the Gap from Gram‐Scale Experiments to Full‐Scale Chillersdynamic modelingheat transfer and diffusion mechanismsinfrared-large-temperature-jump experimentsilica gel/waterAdsorption chillers can provide sustainable cooling from waste or solar heat...
2.7 Production and scalability A disadvantage of cryogenic detectors when compared to e.g., scintillation detectors has always been the difficulty to scale up the experiments in size. The new detector concept presented here overcomes most of these problems. In princi- ple, the detector has been ...
Given the high stability of our HOFs in water, we conducted experiments to test their iodine adsorption capabilities from water. HOF sample (30 mg) was divided into 10 vials (3 mg for each vial). To each vial, 3 mL of iodine aqueous solution (1.0 mM) was added. After ...
Li S designed, engineered, characterized, and analyzed the samples with the support from Liu Y, Cao C, Li S, Wang X, Tian N, Peng S and Luo J; Xia H, Quan C, and Liu L performed the electrochemical experiments; Lu P b...
p pWe address two aspects of general interest for the chemical synthesis of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals: (1) the rational design of the synthesis protocol aiming at the optimization of the reaction parameters in a minimum number of experiments; (2) the transfer of the procedure to the g...
The next generation of gram-scale calorimeters which will be developed for the ν -cleus experiment [17] may extend the reach of direct search experiments to DM particle masses of O(10 MeV/c2) and probe new models for DM. Due to hints that backgrounds at lowest energies are not dominated...
and M.J.K. performed the experiments, analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript with assistance from all of the authors. D.Y.C., M.J.K, J.M.Y. and J.E.P. constructed the experimental setup for the fuel cell tests. Y.-H.C. and H.C. contributed to the planning and ...
D.P. supervised the project, conceived and designed all the experiments. L.W. realized the material synthesis. Y.W. and C.Y. performed cell experiments and imaging. L.S. and T.X. performed high-resolution TEM measurements. H.L. performed AFM imaging and optical measurements. All authors ...
The next generation of gram-scale calorimeters which will be developed for the ν-cleus experiment [17] may extend the reach of direct search experiments to DM particle masses of O(10 MeV/c2) and probe new models for DM. Due to hints that backgrounds at lowest energies are not dominated...
Finally, CL measurements and the experiments aimed at the reinforcement of polymers have been performed. Discussion By controlling the growth conditions, gram-level BN sheets have been successfully fabricated using different graphite sources. The morphology and the yield of the ''snow-white'' BN ...