KTM 390 Adventure X版本,采用前19寸后17寸的铸铝轮毂,更适合在铺装路面以及相对不那么恶劣的非铺装路面骑行,但是不难发现前后减震的行程相当可观,WP APEX的前后减震行程均达到了200mm,但是前减震不可调,后减震具备预载调节功能,最小离地间隙也有232mm,坐高825mm,与此同时还采用了越野风格的挡泥板应付复杂路况。 不...
Top speed160 kph (99 mph) Powertrain specs Engine type1 cylinder Displacement373 cc Power44 ps (43 bhp / 32 kw) Torque37 Nm (27 lb-ft) Power / liter117 ps (115 hp) Power / weight263 ps (259 bhp) / t Torque / weight223 Nm (164 lb-ft) / t ...
526 -- 0:15 App KTM390提速测试 1万 5 3:04 App 黄龙600声浪鉴赏 4048 1 1:02 App 追600vs黄龙600谁更胜一筹? 5188 4 3:35 App 4k 原声!KTM 杜克Duke 790极速测试 Top Speed / Acceleration / 0-100 / Speed test 6.4万 10 0:52 App 黄龙600 VS 赛600谁强谁弱! 4万 192 11:25 App...
I did another couple of rounds of service here (cosmetics after a low-speed drop, chain adjustment and lubrication), still very impressed with quality of the service. I also liked energica so much that I bought another one from CalMoto, now my wife and I are zipping around together on tw...
I did another couple of rounds of service here (cosmetics after a low-speed drop, chain adjustment and lubrication), still very impressed with quality of the service. I also liked energica so much that I bought another one from CalMoto, now my wife and I are zipping around together on tw...
降价后的本田CB400X,KTM390,豪爵铃木DL250,应该如何选?年还没过完,但降价战是一波接一波,有些车型的价格完全可以用叹为观止来形容,这就使得早期蠢蠢欲动的小伙伴,更加无法抑制内心的激动了! 2024-02-24 TOP1摩托 要硬核、更要好上手,31580元的春风450MT到底行不行?
KTM-JZ 250cc 5 MOTOREX FORMULA 4T 15W/50 或者TOP SPEED 4T 5W/50 来自Android客户端5楼2020-08-27 14:06 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示6回复贴,共1页 <返回ktm吧 发表回复 发贴请遵守贴吧协议及“七条底线...
At the top end of the line-up, the 2024 KTM RC 390 receives two new eye-catching color schemes, with orange-on-blue and orange-on-black options. Both receive striking, signature orange frames, with the orange-on-black getting orange rims. ...
Red Bull KTM riders up to speed as the final building block for 2025 MotoGP™ is set at Thai test Red Bull KTM Factory Racing and Red Bull KTM Tech3 can now look to the first of 22 Grands Prix this season after completing two hot and hectic days of testing activity at the Buriram...
11. Wiring Check wiring in the engine bay for chaffing and signs of heat Check HT leads Check the condition of all connectors Check the wheel speed sensor, gap (all four lights) Check wiring behind the dash Check all wiring is away or shielded from the exhaust 12. Paddleshift Check paddle...