Entry-level price, off-road capabilities, and nice electronics make the KTM 390 Adventure R an awesome first step into the ADV world ByTJ Hinton Feb 17, 2025 The New KTM 390 Adventure Is Out And It’s Cheaper Than Ever The new 390 Adventure now costs just $100 more than the Royal Enf...
KTM 390Adventure新款车型,不仅提供了两个版本可供选择,而且更有野性更具可玩性,而新的外观颜值也提升不少,其综合实力相较于目前国内在售的单一版本,产品力得到了整体提升,很显然在不久之后这两个新版本也会引进国内市场,届时将成为小排量ADV车型的新标杆。...
TOP1摩托 要硬核、更要好上手,31580元的春风450MT到底行不行? 2月27日,春风450MT售价公布,标准版31,580元,三箱版33,580元,说实话这个价格在意料之中,因为绝大多数人的猜测都是在3万出头。 2024-02-29 MoMo的车 能合法上路的卡丁车,2020款KTM X-BOW ...
Plastic skid plates only go so far and are one of the first upgrades almost everyone makes to their ADV bike to improve protection.Adventure Spec’s5mm aluminum construction is strong and protects the underside all the way back to the rear linkage. Thanks to the690’sdesign, removing the ski...
今日KTM在日本发布了250Adventure车型及其售价。 在外观方面,没有家族式的分裂脸,卤素的前大灯搭配LED的日行灯。 在动力方面,搭载与了250Duke相同的单缸水冷发动机,实际排量248.8cc,最大马力30ps,最大扭矩24Nm,配备滑动离合器。 在制动方面,前后制动均为单盘式制动器,由BremboGroup的Vibre制造,前盘直径320mm,后盘...
The Enduro Course, constructed by Quinn Cody and other KTM pros, was the only portion of the competition that focused purely on speed. They managed to mix in a little of everything – hills, descents, sand, mud, banked turns, and choppy terrain – giving riders a test of skill. With ...
but we can be sure with fuel carried down low, the KTM 790 Adventure will have a lower center of gravity. Its parallel-twin engine will also help centralize mass (compared to a V-Twin) giving the bike a more compact and lighter feel. Both features should provide good slow-speed ...
For a small single, the 390 Adventure has a lively feel when you pull away from a stop. It revs out quickly, with good power at relatively low, street rpm levels. Top speed is north of 100 mph, and highway cruising speeds don’t make the bike sweat. ...
I suspect that North America (including the USA) will get the new 390 Duke and the 250 Duke, but not the 125. Note that we have no official word on this at this point, however. The 390 Duke seems to be a popular model here, so I think it is fair to expect that this will be ...
long-distance tourer and is very intuitive. The logic allows riders to set the suspension up according to four different real-life riding situations, namely: RIDER, RIDER & PILLION, RIDER & LUGGAGE, or RIDER, PILLION & LUGGAGE. On top of that, the anti-dive function is fitted as ...