Prevent unrecoverable part position drift of Breaking Grounds DLC robotic parts and their children parts. DockingPortRotationDriftAndFixes[KSP 1.12.5] Make the stock docking port rotation feature actually useable : Completely prevent unrecoverable position drift of children parts of docking ports. ...
Onlyshow DLC craft ToggleMod Filters ToggleExtra Filters Filter by Craft Class Filter by Science parts Limit part count to a range Limit crew capacity Limit craft mass to a range Limit craft value to a range Filter by Tech Level Filter by KSP version ...
store: (v1.28) URL where you can purchase a DLC steamstore: (v1.28) URL where you can purchase a DLC on Steam Example resources: "resources" : { "homepage" : "", "bugtracker" : "", "repository" : "https:...
Part 1: Launch! We begin on the pad with this massive rocket - nicknamed the "Colossus" - that appears to be almost half fairing. I don't have either DLC, so Mammoth spam (Spammoth?) it is. The two boosters, connected to the core via fuel pipes, will get the rocket off the pad...
现在春促,想买来玩,不知道要不要把dlc一起买了 润石沉香 3-19 3 对接的时候看不到目标标识怎么办 5〇100氦〇铍 在飞船视角哪怕已经相距目标飞行器1km以内了都看不到那个黄绿色的方框标识,每次都只能肉眼交会。是我有什么功能没开吗还是生涯模式不能用 5〇100氦〇铍 3-18 4 直升机的转子零件是...
Are there any plans for interesting Easter Egg locations on planets or in space, for the community to find? The original game had very bland planets, which was somewhat fixed in the Breaking Ground DLC. All I can say about that is that it’s a big universe and it’s worth exploring....
There are three unique to JNSQ and two that are redesigned versions of the DLC exclusive Dessert and Woomerang sites. Reveal hidden contents 1- Baikerbanur, aka KSC2. 2- Darude, analogous to the Dessert Launch Site. Already featured in the story. 3- Musgrave. Named after Story ...
Barter.VG Provides information about Game, DLC, Bundles, Giveaways, Trading No Yes Yes Diablo III, Hearthstone, StarCraft II and World of Warcraft game data APIs OAuth Yes Yes Board Game Geek Board games, RPG and videogames No Yes No Brawl Stars Brawl Stars Game Information api...
dlc - A paid expansion from SQUAD, which CKAN can detect but not install. Also has no download. v1.28 provides A list of identifiers, that this module provides. This field is intended for use in modules which require one of a selection of texture downloads, or one of a selection of mo...