Updated to 1.2.2 Fixed: Null Reference errors when deploying/retracting solar panels when static panels were present. Buttons are more logical now, "retract all" is available on all extended panels, while "extend all" is on retracted ones. Changes for Radiators, Solar Panels, and Cargo Bays....
这里以原版游戏目录中的 GameData/Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod_v2/mk1Pod_v2.cfg 的部件(Mk1 指令舱)文件进行解释。 如果用 VS Code 打开文件会是这样的(如果你没有安装插件是不会有语法高亮功能的) 简化一下图中的信息可以看到 PART { name = mk1pod_v2 module = Part author = RoverDude ... } 可以...
These are all found inside Space_Warp__BepInEx-1.0.1.zip. You should copy the content of that zip file into your KSP2 folder, and then you'll have a BepInEx folder along with the other files you need. Brenchen Members 8 About me: Bottle Rocketeer Posted March 22, 2023 I must...
This filter finds craft that useallof the selected modswithout any other mods. Like include, it will find craft with at least 1 part from each selected mod, but unlike include they won't have parts from any other mods. More Filters ...
KSP中文游戏手册(基础).docx,综介: 坎巴拉太空打算〔Kerbal Space Program, KSP〕是一款拥有极高自由度且极具科学态度和思想文化的创型玩耍,在这里玩家可以扮演 Kerbals 航空航天工作者,设计、建筑并放射自己的火箭、航天飞机以及亚轨道飞行器,将航天器送入轨道,并探究
This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. November 2014 KSP2222A NPN General-Purpose Amplifier Features • Collector-Emitter Voltage: VCEO = 40 V • Available as PN2222A TO-92 1. Emitter 2. Base 3. Collector 1 2 3...
2.Installing Part Addons Parts are all contained inside KSP/Parts. Each part has its own subfolder in the Parts folder: 3.Installing Craft AddonsCraft files are saved ships created in the game. These files can be placed in a few different folders: KSP/ShipsIn KSP/Ships, you will find ...
Hello everyone! I recently flew a Jool 5 mission that, as the title says, was done in one launch. Here's how it went. I'll be uploading the report in seven parts, with (hopefully) one per day, for each leg of the mission: from Kerbin to Jool (this one),
The space shuttle is composed of 100 parts and its maximum payload is 40 tons into a 150km orbit. If someone tries to get more than that then it will become unstable (40 tons is about the mass of 2 2.5 medium fuel tanks) The commands for the ship: Button 1: Toggles main engines ...
We are bringing most, but not all, of the parts from Kerbal Space Program over to the sequel. There are a couple of part types that have been sort of invalidated by new stuff that we’ve put into the game. To give you one example, we’ve overhauled the way engine plates work so ...