(欧空局)的场景任务 /PartList/ -- 建造界面的左边筛选分类的图标 /Parts/ -- 游戏中的各种部件(引擎、燃料箱、指令舱等等) /Plugins/ -- 对于 Mod 来说一般放入 DLL 插件 /Props/ -- 舱内视角(IVA)、导航球等一些图片元素,称为 Prop,大多数为 dds 文件,可以用 PS 安装 NVIDIA Texture Tools 打开 ...
If you want to clean up your parts list in the VAB, follow these steps: Make empty folders called NoNonRO and NoNonRP0 in your GameData folder. This will hide parts not configured, respectively, for RO and RP-1 in the VAB/SPH while in career mode. Non-configured parts will still ...
Spyker KSPLS15-HITCH 电子播种器配件说明书 OPERATOR'S MANUAL KSPLS15-HITCH Kit English Manual Page 11019548-A
Mazak Mechanical Parts Slant Turn-25 30 ATC Turning Center Mill Center Matsuura Micro Switch Multiple Limit Switch LDV 5600 _ LDV-5600 _ LDV5600 Sumtak LGF-042-100 Pulse Generator X Y Z Axis Control NIB Ross Valve Body Service Kit 506K87 2700 Series _ Pipe 1-1.25 -1.5 _ 2/2 Okuma ...
Counterfeiting of semiconductor parts is a growing problem in the industry. All manufacturers of semiconductor products are experiencing counterfeiting of their parts. Customers who inadvertently purchase counterfeit parts experience many problems such as loss of brand reputation, substandard performance, fail...
It is also possible to check the working log of DHCP server (i.e List of IP addresses assigned, IP address to MAC address mapping etc ) in ONOS DHCP UI segment as follows. Via ONOS-CLI DHCP app also extends ONOS-CLI shell and exposes lot of util commands ...
Enterprise Root CA can't issue more than 2-year certificate? Enterprise subordinate CA does not show up in certificate authorities list Error - The imported certificate does not match the chosen CA type and will not be used. However, the imported key can still be used Error "your account is...
Many libraries (including Room) are currently using KSP, instead of KAPT. You can find a list of few of themhere. How Does KSP Work? In Kotlin developers have access to compiler APIs which they can use to develop compiler plugins. These plugins have access to almost all p...
2、Waterfall:瀑布,美化发动机尾焰3、Hangar Extender:去掉VAB的外壳,建造巨型火箭4、MechJeb2:简称MJ,自动驾驶mod5、Procedural Fairings:自定义整流罩6、Procedural Fairings - For Everything!:更多可选整流罩贴图7、Procedural Parts:自定义部件8、RCS Build Aid:通过在编辑器中显示引擎、RCS的推力与矢量9、Real...
Having clicked one too many times on one window, only to have it click on the parts underneath (in the Editor), or click on an unwanted item in flight, I decided to solve the problem with yet another mod. Major Release Update, 1.10.5 Added Settings page