KRAS Mutation in Colon Cancer: A Marker of Resistance to EGFR-I Therapy[J] . Ahmad D. Siddiqui,Bilal Piperdi.Annals of Surgical Oncology . 2010 (4)Siddiqui AD and Piperdi B. KRAS mutation in colon cancer: a marker of resistance to EGFR-I therapy. Ann Surg Oncol 2010; 17: 1168-1176...
Conclusion Themutationrateofcodon12inthecoloncancergeneishigh ; KRASmutationsoccurfrequentlyinfemale , righthemicoloncancerandhighserumCEAlevelpatients.MoremutationsintheKRASgenesuggestapoorclinicalprognosisandcanguidefortreatment. Keywords : colonicneoplasms ; KRASgene ; genemutation 随着人民生活水平的提高和现代...
As aforementioned, wild-type KRAS (WT KRAS) is crucial for cell signalling and homeostasis [21]. In the context of cancer, the WT KRAS gene also serves as a reference for normal cellular function and even acts as a tumour suppressor [22]. However, KRAS mutations, primarily single-base mis...
et al. Whole genome analysis for liver metastasis gene signatures in colorectal cancer. Int. J. Cancer 121, 2005–2012 (2007). Google Scholar Kaiser, S. et al. Transcriptional recapitulation and subversion of embryonic colon development by mouse colon tumor models and human colon cancer. ...
For example, in the last few years, we've observed that mutations in KRAS predict resistance to anti-EGFR therapeutics in colon cancer. Earlier this year, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the first ever KRAS inhibitor for use in patients, in this case non-small cell lung cancer...
The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)–Akt axis is one of the most frequently activated pathways and is demonstrated as a therapeutic target in Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (KRAS)-mutated colorectal cancer (CRC). Targeting the PI3K–Akt pathway has been a challenging undertaking through...
STRUCTUREANDFUNCTIONOFKRASGENEANDCRISPR/CAS9RELATEDTECHNOLOGIES Abstract Krasgenemutation,oneofthedrivinggenesofcoloncancer,hasalwaysbeenoneofthehottopicsinacademia.Krasisthemostcommonmutationinhumancancers(suchaspancreaticcancer,colorectalcancerandlungcancer),accountingforabout30%ofthetotalmutationrate,andevenashighas...
Researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have uncovered a gene on the Y chromosome that is upregulated in KRAS-mutated colorectal cancer (CRC), increasing tumor cell invasiveness and reducing anti-tumor immunity in male patients.
TheRASgene family is among the most studied and best characterized of the known cancer-related genes. Of the three human ras isoforms,KRASis the most frequently altered gene, with mutations occurring in 17%–25% of all cancers. In particular, approximately 30%–40% of colon cancers harbor a...
COLON cancerETHNIC groupsThe article comments on the results of the study by A. Syed et al on the role of mutations of KRAS oncogene and TP53 gene in colorectal carcinoma (CRC) in Kashmiri population from India published in the same issue. The study found that the incidence of KRAS ...