datetime:生成或解析日期时间值。 字符串处理(String Handling): contains:检查是否包含子字符串。 startswith/endswith:检查字符串的开始或结束。 split:分割字符串。 示例查询 假设我们有一个名为SalesData的表,包含销售记录,具有如下列:TransactionId, ProductId, SaleAmount, Timestamp 和 Region。 现在我们想要查...
For example, the following management command creates a new Kusto table with two columns, Level and Text: Kusto Copy .create table Logs (Level:string, Text:string) Management commands have their own syntax, which isn't part of the KQL syntax, although the two share many concepts. In ...
In contrast to Kusto queries,Management commandsare requests to Kusto to process or modify data or metadata. For example, the following management command creates a new Kusto table with two columns,LevelandText: Kusto .createtableLogs (Level:string, Text:string) ...
"columns": [ { "name": "TimeGenerated", "type": "datetime" }, { "name": "Message", "type": "string" }, { "name": "AdditionalContext", "type": "dynamic" } ] 现在,可以在 KQL 转换中分析和使用 AdditionalContext 列的内容了:Kusto 复制 ...
Is it possible to do KQL string searches with wildcards? For example, I'm hunting for files written to C:\ProgramData\ but I don't want to see files written to subfolders. I've done this in Splunk so I was surprised that the last line in my query below does not filter out anything...
For example, the following management command creates a new Kusto table with two columns, Level and Text: Kusto Kopija .create table Logs (Level:string, Text:string) Management commands have their own syntax, which isn't part of the Kusto Query Language syntax, although the two share many...
letExampleText=datatable(TestData:string) ['Name=Reprise99,,AadTenantId=345c1234-a833-43e4-1d34-123440a5bcdd1,AadUserId=cf6f2df6-b754-48dc-b7bc-c8339caf211,DisplayName=Test User,Type=account', ]; ExampleText |parseTestDatawith*'Name='DisplayName',UPNSuffix=...
One idea let a=datatable(Hostname:string,Events:int)['GGPC-01',5,'GGPC-02',12,'JEPC-01',50,'JEPC-02',20];a|summarize JerseyPCs=sumif(Events,Hostname startswith"JE"),GuernseyPCs=sumif(Events,Hostname startswith"GG")|evaluatenarrow()|project-away Row|project-rename GroupedHostname=...
let ExampleText = datatable(TestData:string) [ 'Name=Reprise99,,AadTenantId=345c1234-a833-43e4-1d34-123440a5bcdd1,AadUserId=cf6f2df6-b754-48dc-b7bc-c8339caf211,DisplayName=Test User,Type=account' ]; ExampleText | parse TestData with * 'Name=' DisplayName...
To perform a free text search, simply enter a text string. For example, if you’re searching web server logs, you could entersafarito search all fields for the termsafari. To search for a value in a specific field, prefix the value with the name of the field. For example, you could...