Filter/Search/Condition Find relevant data by filtering or searching where Filters on a specific predicate T | where Predicate where contains/has Contains: Looks for any substring match Has: Looks for a specific word (better performance) T | where col1 contains/has "[search term]" search ...
lookup Extends the columns of a fact table with values looked-up in a dimension table T1 | lookup [kind = (leftouter|inner)] ( T2 ) on Attributes mv-expand Turns dynamic arrays into rows (multi-value expansion) T | mv-expand Column parse Evaluates a string expression and parses its va...
We want to use KQL to create accurate and efficient queries to find threats, detections, patterns and anomalies from within our larger data set. The Anatomy of a KQL Query Take the below query as an example SigninLogs | where TimeGenerated > ago(14d) | where UserPrincipalName == "reprise...
If the string had more keys , is there a way to dynamically create columns. Seems like bag_unpack does it but I cannot use those in query such as filtering with where. {"Phish":["Spoof external domain"],"Spam":["Mixed analysis detection"]}...
We want to use KQL to create accurate and efficient queries to find threats, detections, patterns and anomalies from within our larger data set. The Anatomy of a KQL Query Take the below query as an example SigninLogs |whereTimeGenerated >ago(14d) |whereUserPrincipalName =="reprise_99@test...
The "\" is a special character - just add two, example: | where commandline !contains "f:\\abc\\xyz\\comhost.exe" akshay250692 You are still using a single "\" not "\\". You can also use a combination of a single quote vs. double - " ' " and "" to define a string withi...
Filter/Search/ConditionFind relevant data by filtering or searching whereFilters on a specific predicateT | where Predicate where contains/hasContains: Looks for any substring match Has: Looks for a specific word (better performance)T | where col1 contains/has "[search term]" ...
If you’ve not read my introductory post in this series, I’d advise you to do so now. It describes the user interface in detail. You’ll find it at
Key is the attribute name used in Python. Attr_desc is a dict of metadata. Currently contains 'type' with the msrest type and 'key' with the RestAPI encoded key. Value is the current value in this object. The string returned will be used to serialize the key. If the ...
To search for a value in a specific field, prefix the value with the name of the field. For example, you could enterstatus:200to find all of the entries that contain the value200in thestatusfield. To search for a range of values, you can use the bracketed range syntax,[START_VALUE ...