.create table Logs (Level:string, Text:string) Management commands have their own syntax, which isn't part of the KQL syntax, although the two share many concepts. In particular, management commands are distinguished from queries by having the first character in the text of the command be ...
TypeScript Copy id?: string Property Value string name TypeScript Copy name?: string Property Value string properties Properties of sql script. TypeScript Copy properties?: KqlScript Property Value KqlScript type TypeScript Copy type?: string Property Value string Collaborate...
let AppIDList = dynamic(["APPID01", "APPID02", "APPID03"]); resources | where type !in~ ("microsoft.compute/snapshots", "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/extensions") | project subscriptionId, type, resourceGroup, name,AppID = tostring(['tags']['AppID']) //Here AppID is comma sepeate...
| project-away UserPrincipalName1,AppDisplayName1,ResultDescription1 Jonhed Thankyou for reply. If i want to add some more field in alert like IPAddress, Location etc.. so where i ahve to edit. could you please edit so i will update again accordingly....
lookup Extends the columns of a fact table with values looked-up in a dimension table T1 | lookup [kind = (leftouter|inner)] ( T2 ) on Attributes mv-expand Turns dynamic arrays into rows (multi-value expansion) T | mv-expand Column parse Evaluates a string expression and parses its va...
Value is the current value in this object. The string returned will be used to serialize the key. If the return type is a list, this is considered hierarchical result dict. See the three examples in this file: attribute_transformer full_restapi_key_transformer last_restapi_...
SigninLogs | where TimeGenerated > ago(14d) | where UserPrincipalName == "reprise_99@testdomain.com" | where ResultType == "0" | summarize AppList=make_set(AppDisplayName) by UserPrincipalName, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d) This will make a list of applications that reprise_99@testdomain.com ...
When we run a query like this the first line tells Microsoft Sentinel which table to look for data in, so in this case we want to search the SigninLogs table, which is where Azure AD sign in data is sent to. You can see a list of tables here....