为做网床测量的范围。 (因为bltouch位置距离挤出头有一个偏移,所以可做网床的大小要比实际热床小,一般mesh_min就是热床起始位置加上一个偏移值(10左右),mesh_max是热床最大位置减去bltouch的offset值再减一个附加偏移值); probe_count: 为x和y各取几个点。 设置完成后,保存重启。 先复位,然后输入 BED_ME...
把[include klicky-probe.cfg] 添加到printer.cfg配置文件以后,还需要拉取对应的配置文件。操作如下: 通过ssh连接鲁班猫,执行以下命令。 # 进入配置文件所在目录cd~/printer_data/config# 下载klicky-probe.cfg需要的宏命令wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jlas1/Klicky-Probe/main/Klipper_macros/Klipper_m...
control_pin: PB5 z_offset:2 x_offset:47.6 y_offset:5.6 pin_move_time:0.6 偏移数据需要自己测试修改。 Z轴配置修改为如下: [stepper_z] step_pin: PB3 dir_pin: PB2 enable_pin: !PA5 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 8 endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop #重点是这里 #position_endstop...
50# 最小校准点坐标x,ymesh_max:250,250# 最大坐标probe_count:15,15# 采样点数mesh_pps:2,2# 补充采样点数algorithm: bicubic# 算法模型bicubic_tension:0.2# 算法插值不要动relative_reference_index:112# 第多少个点作为0.00,最好在热床中心,解决网床校准后在空中的问题### # 步进电机配置 #...
probe query shows it as open for both. Everything worked in RepRap2. I have the white wire connected to the z probe and the black to the ground right next to it. I have the servo wires (Brown, Red, Orange) connected to the PWM3 on the Duex5. I've found two examples on line ...
# "probe:z_virtual_endstop" then do not define a position_endstop in # the stepper_z config section. #[probe] #pin: ar15 # Probe detection pin. This parameter must be provided. #x_offset: 0.0 # The distance (in mm) between the probe and the nozzle along the # x-axis. The defa...
At it's simplest you need for each extruder tool to specify extruder, fan, offset to first tool or probe. Then specify four macros: pickup, dropoff, toollock and toolunlock. It doesn't matter if you lock the tool by a servo, a stepper or moving in a special way as long as it ...
## If your probe is NC instead of NO, add change pin to ^PA3 pin: ^!PA3 x_offset: 0 y_offset: 25.0 z_offset: 0 speed: 10.0 samples: 3 samples_result: median sample_retract_dist: 3.0 samples_tolerance: 0.006 samples_tolerance_retries: 3 ### # Bltouch ###...
略过软件包安装过程和Python相关内容的安装过程,创建各种文件后提示是否加入一些用户组,选择Y 至此,klipper的安装就完成了。 第二步:安装Moonraker 选择2 安装Moonraker 提示是否安装Moonraker,选择Y,在拉取源码前检测并安装相关依赖,略过安装过程 拉取源码,继续安装,继续略过安装过程 ...
mesh_min应该大于y_offset值 no trigger on probe after full movement完全移动后未触发探针 mesh_min值的问题,该值未设置好导致探针没在热床范围内,该值为正值应该大于y_offset 目前就更新这么多,大家碰到啥解决不了的问题也可以发在评论区,解决后我会整合进该专栏 ...