move out of range:移动超出距离 mesh_min应该大于y_offset值 no trigger on probe after full movement完全移动后未触发探针 mesh_min值的问题,该值未设置好导致探针没在热床范围内,该值为正值应该大于y_offset 目前就更新这么多,大家碰到啥解决不了的问题也可以发在评论区,解决后我会整合进该专栏 凑字数的...
本视频详细讲解了klipper手动热床偏移中打印前、打印时的网页端、近程屏幕端偏移,最后是偏移后保存的数值代码修改(offset数值),给up个三连吧 个人认为Klipper的手动热床偏移最大优势是打印时热床可进行上下偏移, 视频播放量 8226、弹幕量 25、点赞数 74、投硬币枚数 32
Application start offset: Katapult 占用空间大小,注意后面编译 Klipper 固件 时和此处保持一致。 Support bootloader entry on rapid double click of reset button: 启用时,运行 Klipper 状态下快速按两下reset按钮 (500ms内) 可以进入 BootLoader,初始没有烧录固件时也会进入 BootLoader。 Enable bootloader entry on...
把[include klicky-probe.cfg] 添加到printer.cfg配置文件以后,还需要拉取对应的配置文件。操作如下: 通过ssh连接鲁班猫,执行以下命令。 # 进入配置文件所在目录cd~/printer_data/config# 下载klicky-probe.cfg需要的宏命令wget
###Z调平传感器单点探测宏(Z+)###[probe]#调平传感器引脚设置(X+)pin: ^PA2#传感器对应喷嘴的偏移数值x_offset:0y_offset:25.0z_offset:0#调平时的速度speed:5.0#采样次数samples:3samples_result: median sample_retract_dist:3.0#采样公差samples_tolerance:0.02#超公差重试次数samples_tolerance_retries:...
Now, calculate the final offset: probe offset = probed height - calculated nozzle switch offset Finally, the calculated offset is applied by using theSET_GCODE_OFFSETcommand (a previous offset is resetted before!). Drawback The only downside is, that the trigger point of the mag-probe cannot...
# For maximum accuracy, ensure your probe offsets are configured. #speed: 50 # The speed (in mm/s) of non-probing moves during the calibration. # The default is 50. #horizontal_move_z: 5 # The height (in mm) that the head should be commanded to move to # just prior to starting...
probe query shows it as open for both. Everything worked in RepRap2. I have the white wire connected to the z probe and the black to the ground right next to it. I have the servo wires (Brown, Red, Orange) connected to the PWM3 on the Duex5. I've found two examples on line ...
## If your probe is NC instead of NO, add change pin to ^PA3 pin: ^!PA3 x_offset: 0 y_offset: 25.0 z_offset: 0 speed: 10.0 samples: 3 samples_result: median sample_retract_dist: 3.0 samples_tolerance: 0.006 samples_tolerance_retries: 3 ### # Bltouch ###...
使用RaspberryPi DebugProbe (Pico) + OpenOCD 通过 SWD 接口烧录主板固件 使运行 Klipper 固件的主板进入 Bootloader 模式 1、现状# 1.1 不同的 BootLoader# 由于接触 Klipper 固件相对比较早,接触了很多 Marlin 时代设计的主板,以现在常见的 STM32 主控芯片为例,烧录升级主板固件的方法有如下: ...