(因为bltouch位置距离挤出头有一个偏移,所以可做网床的大小要比实际热床小,一般mesh_min就是热床起始位置加上一个偏移值(10左右),mesh_max是热床最大位置减去bltouch的offset值再减一个附加偏移值); probe_count: 为x和y各取几个点。 设置完成后,保存重启。 先复位,然后输入 BED_MESH_CALIBRATE,可以看到bl...
全部配置如下。 ps:已经购入震动传感器,准备实现自动offset 另外,在开启打印的宏上,加载网床补偿配置 [gcode_macro START_PRINT] gcode: BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD=default 完整配置如下 printer.cfg # This file contains common pin mappings for Ultimaker UltiMainboard v2 # boards. To use this config, thefirmwa...
# samples_tolerance_retries: 3 # [probe] #z_offset: 0#2.0 #6.25 # [gcode_macro G29] # gcode: # G28 # G0 Z10 F1000 # G1 X105 Y105 F1000 # PROBE_CALIBRATE # [gcode_macro G30] # gcode: # BED_MESH_CLEAR #清除调平数据 # G28 # BED_MESH_CALIBRATE #自动调平 # BED_MESH_PR...
50# 最小校准点坐标x,ymesh_max:250,250# 最大坐标probe_count:15,15# 采样点数mesh_pps:2,2# 补充采样点数algorithm: bicubic# 算法模型bicubic_tension:0.2# 算法插值不要动relative_reference_index:112# 第多少个点作为0.00,最好在热床中心,解决网床校准后在空中的问题### # 步进电机配置 #...
Command CALIBRATE_Z Command PROBE_Z_ACCURACY Ooze Mitigation Disclaimer Why This With a Z endstop where the tip of nozzle drives on the endstop switch (like the one in the Voron V1 or V2), you can exchange nozzles without adapting the offset: Or, by using a mag-probe (or SuperPinda...
Probe Offsets Calibrate your probe offsets for X,Y,and Z axis. Bed Mesh Boundaries Calibrate the boundaries for bed meshing. Macros Create and use macros for your START_PRINT and END_PRINT gcode commands. Advanced Macro Techniques Learn more advanced techniques you can use in your macros. Cov...
//raw.githubusercontent.com/jlas1/Klicky-Probe/main/Klipper_macros/Klipper_macros.zip# 解压unzip Klipper_macros.zip# 解压以后新增的文件klicky-probe.cfg#选择要开启功能的配置文件klicky-variables.cfg#存储Klicky使用的变量klicky-bed-mesh-calibrate.cfg#网床调平脚本klicky-quad-gantry-level.cfg#4Z调平...
## If your probe is NC instead of NO, add change pin to ^PA3 pin: ^!PA3 x_offset: 0 y_offset: 25.0 z_offset: 0 speed: 10.0 samples: 3 samples_result: median sample_retract_dist: 3.0 samples_tolerance: 0.006 samples_tolerance_retries: 3 ### # Bltouch ###...
## Z Endstop Switch offset for Z0 [stepper_z] section ## Probe points [quad_gantry_level] section ## Min & Max gantry corner postions [quad_gantry_level] section ## PID tune [extruder] and [heater_bed] sections ## Fine tune E steps [extruder] section ...
[include klicky-probe.cfg] ### # Fluidd设置 ###[virtual_sdcard] path: ~/printer_data/gcodes [display_status] [pause_resume] [gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT] description: Cancel the actual runningprintrename_existing: CANCEL_PRINT_BASE gcode: TURN_OFF_...