NEW BIRTH KINGDOM CHURCH INTERNATIONAL We are so glad you decided to connect with us. Our desire is to provide an atmosphere for growth and balance in your life so that you and your family can have a strong foundation in the Kingdom of God. Our hope is that you will be changed by...
This congregation believes that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord; that the Holy Scriptures are the inspired Word of God; that the church is a fellowship of redeemed sinners who through grace, love, and the power of the Holy Spirit are a caring...
Download We respect your privacy. HOW DO I KNOW IF GOD IS CALLING ME? Is what I do a calling or a hobby? Can God use my creativity to have an impact for Him? Do I have to be an expert or professional in my area of creative expression? Click the button and find out. ...
Hi and welcome to Kingdom Faith Church!We’re Christians from loads of different cultures and backgrounds with one thing in common...we love Jesus Christ!We’re passionate about Jesus and worshipping Him and for us that’s what life is all about! Our desire is to know God more and to...
Kingdom Life Church is a Church in the DMV area, whose main Mission is to equip you to practice His PRESENCE, Experience His POWER, and know your PURPOSE in Christ. We have been called to take the divine PRESENCE of God to the Nations of the World, and demonstrate the character of the...
本信息取自林道亮(Timothy Lin)哲学博士写的书《神的王国》(Timothy Lin, Ph.D.,The Kingdom of God, Biblical Studies Ministries International, Inc.,, 820 Bennett Court, Carmel, IN 46032,版权1998年,修订版,2002年10月)。 林博士的其他著作﹕ ...
Stetzer and Hirsch state, “Missional represents a significant shift in the way we understand the church. As the people of a missionary God, we are entrusted to participate in the world the same way He does—by committing to be His ambassadors.” In retrospect, Hirsch cites that, “The ...
Christianity Today provides thoughtful, biblical perspectives on theology, church, ministry, and culture on the official site of Christianity Today magazine.
After this failure, Charlemagne realized that he could not win Spanish support for his designs without the favour of the Spanish church. He intervened in the adoptionist controversy in order to discredit the metropolitan of Toledo and to separate the church of the small independent kingdom of As...
The wounds that others inflict in us is [...] NUGGETS OF WISDOM Nugget of Wisdom | Your Blessing Is In Your Storm The blessings that God have in store [...] MONEYWISE 3 Strategic Prayers To Pray Concerning Your Finances While the Bible is clear in 1 Timothy [...]QUOTES ...