This congregation believes that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord; that the Holy Scriptures are the inspired Word of God; that the church is a fellowship of redeemed sinners who through grace, love, and the power of the Holy Spirit are a caring...
We are learning what God’s love is all about and what the truth really is together! Youth & Junior Activity Blog House Church During the week, church members hold house churches in their homes. We read and study the Bible with each other as well as pray for our problems and needs in...
上帝之国 Kingdom of God (单词翻译:单击) 亦称“天国”(Kingdom of Heaven) 基督教用语,上帝以王者身分统治或最后实现上帝对世界之意志的神灵国度。上帝之国一词常用于《新约》,也是施洗者圣约翰与耶稣布道过程的中心主题。对于耶稣意指王国随祂而来或被预期为未来事件,神学家们持不同意见。如今,基督教正统派坚...
英汉双语小故事:上帝之国 Kingdom of God 亦称“天国”(Kingdom of Heaven) 基督教用语,上帝以王者身分统治或最后实现上帝对世界之意志的神灵国度。上帝之国一词常用于《新约》,也是施洗者圣约翰与耶稣布道过程的中心主题。对于耶稣意指王国随祂而来或被预期为未来事件,神学家们持不同意见。如今,基督教正统派坚持...
Kingdom Dominion Church of God 4190 Riverlake Way, Snellville, GA 30039 678-462-2563Donate Bishop Clifford Campbell, MSc. Pastor Lloyd Francis Pastor Angela Campbell, BA OUR LEADERSClick to listen Bishop Campbell's Album "We Shall Overcome"...
Definition Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus(IURD) [hereafter UCKG – Universal Church of the Kingdom of God] is a Brazilian New Pentecostal denomination with its headquarters at the Temple of Solomon in São Paulo, Brazil. It was founded on July 9, 1977, by three Brazilian evangelists, ...
Church of God preaching - divinely inspired messages for encouragement, reproof, instruction, correction, and warning. Recent and old time sermons. Holiness preaching for a modern world.
of the Bible. The most important church was at Axum, the Church of Maryam Tsion, which, according to later Ethiopian medieval texts, housed the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark is supposed to be still there, but as nobody is ever allowed to see it, confirmation of its existence is ...
In these anxious times when giant headlines and worldwide fears dominate, small tragedies tend to go unnoticed. Whether noticed or not, the world changed on Tuesday evening, a change that on a global level might seem tiny, but in the kingdom of God was seismic: after 94 years on this ea...