things in the heavens and things upon the earth 在日期滿足的時候, 使無論天 上地上的萬有, 都在基督裏歸於一位元首之下 (Eph.弗1:10) II. Israel – God’s kingdom in the Age of the Old Covenant 以色列 – 舊約時代裏神的國 A. A kingdom of priests 一個祭司的國度 (Exod.出 19:6)B....
建立 登入 答案 "Christians , on pilgrimage toward the heavenly city should seek and think of these things which are above" christians believe that life is a pilgrimage towards heaven , and they should strive for this destination through their daily actions. Life is a journey towards God and th...
Kingdom of God and the church as theme; Centrality of the theme in the teaching of Jesus; Spiritual, sociological and missionary nature of the Christian church; Expansion of the church.EkstromSwedishBertilSwedishEvangelical Review of Theology
Universal Church of the Kingdom of GodIglesia Universal Del Reino De Dios 1.8 全年 周一-周五, 周日 6:30-20:30开放 实用攻略 4PWC+5PF, Managua, Nicaragua 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Cafe Las ...
图书The Teaching Of Jesus Concerning The Kingdom Of God And The Church (1903) 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
图书The Teaching of Jesus Concerning the Kingdom of God and the Church... 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
But there was one reason why even a chance comer would have found the service in Hayslope Church more impressive than in most other village nooks in the kingdom—a reason of which I am sure you have not the slightest suspicion. It was the reading of our friend Joshua Rann. Where...
Kingdom Restoration Church167 米 Christian Co Fellowship Kisumu573 米 Kibuye Church of God in E.Africa610 米 Railway Beach1.71公里 St. Joseph's Catholic Church1.84公里 Kenya Local Believers,Kisumu Church401 米 Tajar Mosque506 米 Kisumu Municipal Market Car Park876 米 Shree Swaminarayan Temple Ki...
Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus(IURD) [hereafter UCKG – Universal Church of the Kingdom of God] is a Brazilian New Pentecostal denomination with its headquarters at the Temple of Solomon in São Paulo, Brazil. It was founded on July 9, 1977, by three Brazilian evangelists, Romildo Ribe...
The Church of Almighty GodRatings and Reviews 5.0out of 5 136 Ratings finesse91,2024-12-09 非常喜欢这款App 自从有了这款App,每次都能及时看到最新的视频和诗歌,并且随时随地能享受吃喝神的话语,揣摩神的话,感谢神! Merci Dieu tout-puissant pour ton jugement et ton châtiment ...