摘要: Block diagonally dominant matrices and Khatri-Rao product are combined, some properties of Khatri-Rao product of block diagonally dominant matrices and gencralized block diagonally dominant matrices are get.关键词: block diagonally dominant matrices generalized block diagonally dominant matrices ...
:1)张量的范数:所有元素的平方和的平方根(类似于矩阵的F范数)2)张量内积:两个相同大小的张量的内积为它们对应元素的乘积之和 3)Rank-one tensors:一种特殊的张量类型,如果一个N阶...)Khatri-Raoproduct:其实就是Kroneckerproduct列元素上的匹配: 8)Hadamardproduct:按元素相乘,因此两个tensor的维度必须相同: 以...
China) A b strac t Based on the def i nition of K ronec ker product ,H adamard product and K hatr i — R ao produc t,th e gen— eralized Khatri— Rao product of matrices A and B , wr i tten as A , B ) , are def i ned. Some common properties on the generalized K h...
We introduce the notion of Khatri-Rao product for operator matrices acting on the direct sum of Hilbert spaces. This notion generalizes the tensor product and Hadamard product of operators and the Khatri-Rao product of matrices. We investigate algebraic properties, positivity, and monotonicity of ...
【摘要】矩阵Khatri-Rao乘积作为一种特殊的矩阵乘积,被广泛地应用于控制理论、多元统计和动力学模型等领域的研究中.本文建立了一系列关于矩阵Khatri-Rao乘积的矩阵不等式,这些不等式包含或推广了相应的研究成果,在理论推导的过程中,采用的研究工具是矩阵Schur补和分块矩阵的性质.%It has been evident that the Khatri...
millions of rows each, provided the rank is at most 100-200 (and you have enough memory to store the inputs). These samples are drawn according to the exact distribution of leverage scores on the rows of the Khatri-Rao product, which have attractive properties for randomized linear least-...
我稍在 髂三部分建立了矩阵Khatri—Rao积的迹的不等式。菌先建立了半正定矩阵的 等式。 酶缝蘧不等式;迹不等式。 巾图分类号0151.21 Abstract Inthis akindofblock dissertation,we matrixKroneckerwhichis study product claimedKhatri—Raoandestablishsome ofthe product block inequalities product。 Theresults ...
Khatri-Rao productBochner integralweighted Pythagorean meanWe consider bounded continuous fields of self-adjoint operators which are parametrized by a locally compact Hausdorff space Omega equipped with a finite Radon measure mu. Under certain assumptions on synchronous Khatri-Rao property of the fields ...