Khatri-Rao ProductNathaniel E. Helwig
张量分解(一):基础知识 )Khatri-Rao product:其实就是Kronecker product列元素上的匹配: 8)Hadamard product:按元素相乘,因此两个tensor的维度必须相同: 以上,便是张量分解领域部分比较常见的知识点,下一篇文章,我将讲解一个常见的张量分解算法:CP decomposition. 参考:tensor decompositions and application 浅谈张量分...
网络乘积 网络释义 1. 乘积 Khatri-Rao乘积,Khatri-Rao... ... )Khatri-Rao product乘积) Khatri-Rao product 积 ...|基于 1 个网页
摘要: Block diagonally dominant matrices and Khatri-Rao product are combined, some properties of Khatri-Rao product of block diagonally dominant matrices and gencralized block diagonally dominant matrices are get.关键词: block diagonally dominant matrices generalized block diagonally dominant matrices ...
【期刊名称】《电路与系统学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(17)6 【摘要】针对有限反馈多输入多输出(MIMO)系统,提出了一种用于信道状态信息 (CSI)量化的 KRP(Khatri-Rao Product)酉码本设计算法。该码本的设计中首先定 义了一个相移键控(PSK)符号向量集合,随后在用 PSK 符号向量构造了一个准范德 蒙矩阵的基础上...
即矩阵化张量乘KhatriRao积(Matricized Tensor Times KhatriRao Product,简称MTTKRP)在具体运算时的不同需求(是否需要随机抽取张量元素进行计算),利用申威处理器的特性设计MTTKRP过程的不同计算方案.本发明充分挖掘了申威体系结构的特性,并充分考虑了稀疏... 杨海龙,敦明,孙庆骁,... 被引量: 0发表: 2021年 Softw...
内容提示: 第19 卷第 3 期2002 年08 月工 程数学学报JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICSVol.19 No .3Aug .2002Article ID:1005-3085(2002)03-0106-05Löwner Partial Ordering Inequalitieson the Khatri-Rao Product of Matrices Feng Xiao-xia 1 , Yang Zhong-peng 2(1-Department of Mathematics, Beihua...
Khatri-Rao product has been widely used in the research of statistics,economic and dynamical systems as a special product form.The purpose of this paper is to present a family of matrix inequalities involving the Khatri-Rao product.Our theorems contain or extend some existing results.Schur ...
The Khatri-Rao product of A and B is given by A∗B:=(Aij⊗Bij). We denote by Ip∈Mp(Mq) the pq×pq identity matrix, which is partitioned according to the block structure of the matrices of Mp(Mq). Clearly, when q=1, that is, A and B are p×p matrices with complex ...
tionalMUSICalgorithmbyusingtheorthogonalitybetweenofymisN,theumpossibleDOFoftheKRproduct thenoisesubspaceandthesteeringvectorsofomingwaves.arrayisalsoN2,whiletheDOFoftheoriginalarrayisN. However,withCS-MUSICalgorithm,wecanestimateDOAsThisnumberisofcoursetoooptimistic,however,theDOFof evenwhenKLbytakingadvantageofco...