Khatri-Rao Matrix ProductOriginal by Michael CysouwUniv. Marburgminor tweaksbug fixes etcby Martin Maechler
products introduced by Khatri and Rao (C.G. Khatri, C.R. Rao, Sankhya 30 (1968) 167–180) and Tracy and Singh (D.S. Tracy, R.P. Singh, Statistica Neerlandica 26 (1972) 143–157, respectively, and present further results including matrix equalities and inequalities involving the two ...
一种基于Khatri-Rao矩阵积的有限反馈酉码本设计方法 An Khatri-Rao matrix product unitary limited feedback codebook design method based on 本发明公开了一种基于Khatri-Rao矩阵积的有限反馈酉码本设计方法,是在利用PSK符号向量构造一个类似于Vandermonde矩阵的基础上,再用一个酉矩阵与其做Khatri-Rao矩阵积来生成酉...
本文通过矩阵Schur补和分块矩阵的特殊性质建立了有限个矩阵的Khatri-Rao乘积和Tracy-Singh乘积之间的特殊联系,进一步给出了若干关于矩阵Khatri-Rao乘积的矩阵不等式,其中一些已有的研究成果可以看成本文主要结论的特例. 参考文献: [1]Johnson C R.Partitioned and Hadamard product matrix inequalities[J].Journal of Re...
An Extension of Khatri - Rao Product of Matrix TANC Feng - xiang, FANC Xiu - nan (College of Natural Science,Jiamusi University,Jiamusi I54007,China) Abstract: From the genera ized Khatri - Rao product given by n times mu tinomia of(x,y),f(x,y) = 】 n i , = 0 a i x i y...
通过khatrirao估计到达方向使用压缩感知子空间详解.pdf,Direction-Of-Arrival Estimation via Khatri-Rao Subspace Using Compressed Sensing Hirotaka Mukumoto ∗ , Kazunori Hayashi† and Megumi Kaneko‡ ∗ Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University
即矩阵化张量乘KhatriRao积(Matricized Tensor Times KhatriRao Product,简称MTTKRP)在具体运算时的不同需求(是否需要随机抽取张量元素进行计算),利用申威处理器的特性设计MTTKRP过程的不同计算方案.本发明充分挖掘了申威体系结构的特性,并充分考虑了稀疏... 杨海龙,敦明,孙庆骁,... 被引量: 0发表: 2021年 Softw...
≥λ m (A)(≥0)The Hadamard product A ★· B and Kronecker product A B of matrices A and B play animportant role in statistics and econometrics.Relevant to these two matrix products, the Kha-tri-Rao product A *B and Tracy-Singh product A o B of the partitioned matrices are claimed...