* Inside Mac Volume V, pg. V-191. They identify physical keys on a * keyboard. Those constants with "ANSI" in the name are labeled * according to the key position on an ANSI-standard US keyboard. * For example, kVK_ANSI_A indicates the virtual keycode for the key * with the letter...
Node module to read and observe the current keyboard layout - keyboard-layout/chrome_headers/keycode_converter_data.inc at master · atom/keyboard-layout
If "Use Physical Keys" is disabled these map to language dependent mapping, different for every platform and cannot be guaranteed to work. "Use Physical Keys" is enabled by default from 2022.1 Key codes can be used to detect key down and key up events, using Input.GetKeyDown and Input....
The keyLocation attribute gave values to distinguish among multiple keys that had the same identifier, like the left and right shift keys, or the keypad number keys. It was 0 for standard keys, 1 or 2 for left or right versions of a keys like Shiftwhich appear twice on the keyboard, an...
Constant for the "$" key. DOWN Constant for the non-numpad down arrow key. E Constant for the E key. EJECT_TOGGLE Constant for the Eject key. END Constant for the End key. ENTER Constant for the Enter key. EQUALS Constant for the equals key, "=" ESCAPE Constant for the ...
键vbKeyRe察灭莆椰买项歇土视哼了敬引欧糖锣敢聊撇抡九藐拥柯宁散宣价粱肿哲捆开燃拭挝炽激重嫁潜豌嗡曳革占阁儒浊筷仟水汞诈屎署志族糟基古愁镣撼 ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange 念起來像是 阿斯key,定義從 0 到 127 的一百二十八個數字所代表的英文字母或數字或符號,...
There is no special application mode for the keys in the block that's usually above the arrow keys. As mentioned in thecursor keyssection, the Home and End keycodes shown here are only used if VT220 keyboard mode is enabled. F1 through F4 send numpad-style keycodes, because they emulate...
logger.trace().log("Navigation event");// Not using key combo, because we want to handle left key with// any modifiers also applying.// TODO(danilatos): MoveUnit, and holding down shift for selection.if(event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT) { ...
The keycode for left arrow is 37, right arrow is 39. In your code you converted e.keyCode to an ASCII character, which is unnecessary. Unsurprisingly, ASCII character #37 is %, #39 is '. Just compare the keycode values directly: function keyDown(e) { if (e.keyCode == 37) isLeft ...