Kettlebell training is an intense form of exercise that uses multiple muscles of your body in each movement. Understandably, it is one of the most effective schedules you can follow for weight loss or reaching your fitness goals in time. Be sure to see more on to join functional training cla...
buy the best kettlebell from Dragon Door. I purchased a 14 kg bell, because I am moving to a new town and don't want to lose the skills I've built. I could have purchased a bell that was not as costly, but they are no where near the quality of the Dragon Door. This kettlebell...
The 26 kg (57 lbs) RKC Kettlebell is the training weapon of choice for men who want to build greater explosive power, unstoppable strength and a magnificently muscled frame. Hit like a sledgehammer, kick through walls, run like the wind, jump to greater heights ...
It confirmed me in much of what I had intuited but lacked the confidence to fully implement in my training. It is devoid of the BS that plagues so much that is written today. It is simple and effective I highly recommend it. —Charles Humphrey In a world of misguided superlatives, the...
What draws me to StrongFirst is, first and foremost, it’s both hardcore and safe. I’ve never seen anything that is both this intense and this safe at the same time. There are many hardcore training options out there. I’ve tried most of them and have the injuries to prove it. ...
The latter is no joking matter, since kettlebell training can be extremely intense.2. Always be aware of your surroundings.Find a training are a with a non-slippery surface on which you are not afraid to drop a kettlebell.The are a must be clear of objects you might trip over – ...
But enough of my squawking – Check out one of my super effective sandbag and kettlebell carry training routines below and all will become crystal clear! The Sandbag is classified as a “Live” training implement meaning that it is constantly shifting in your grasp and “Fighting” you every...
In 2005, Dragon Door designed the world’s first-ever 48kg RKC kettlebell as a hardcore training tool for monster strength gains and a stallion’s endurance. It was quickly named “The Beast” — for good reason — and even spawned its own elite “Beast Tamer Strength Challenge.” The res...
In 2001, Dragon Doordesigned the classic 32kg RKC kettlebell as a superior training tool that could simultaneously deliver superior cardio conditioning and excellent strength gains. The results have spoken for themselves and the 32kg RKC kettlebell has become a tool-of-choice for all those looking...
Kettlebells and bodyweight are the Cleopatra and Narc Antony of training modalities. However, focus your training to be directed to a direction or it might suffer the same fate as the two iconic love birds! Click to expand... So many good resources! Thank you my friend. As far as ...