此次发现的新的系外行星Kepler-90i比地球大约大出30%,它距离恒星很近,其地表温度据估算可以达到800K以上(约合526摄氏度)以上。而最外侧的行星Kepler-90h围绕恒星公转的轨道距离则与地球接近。 Kepler-90与其行星间的距离要近得多 虽然Kepler-90恒星系统的行星数量与太阳系相同,但它们的分布却有相当大的不同之处...
科学家使用开普勒天文望远镜,发现了遥远星系开普勒90第八颗行星“开普勒-90i”的存在,并表示这次发现借助了谷歌的人工智能(AI)技术。 报道称这个迷你“太阳系”的发现,增加了在宇宙中其他地方寻找外星生命的希望。 开普勒-90星系和太阳系有着类似的结构:小星星靠近恒星运行,而较大的行星则离得较远。根据NASA的说法,...
Kepler-90i 比地球大约 30%,离它的恒星非常近,以至于它的平均表面温度被认为超过了 800 华氏度,与水星相当。它最外层的行星 Kepler-90h 与其恒星的距离与地球与太阳的距离相似。 “Kepler-90 恒星系统就像我们太阳系的迷你版。里面有小行星,外面有大行星,但一切都被压缩得更近了,”美国宇航局萨根博士后研究员和...
planet, Kepler-90i, has been found in a distant solar system, matching our own in numbers. Even more amazing, it is machines not humans that made the discovery. NASA (美国国家航空航天局) joined with Google to announce the finding. This eighth planet orbits the star known as Kepler-90. ...
NASA has partnered with Google to harness Machine learning and discovered a new planet outside our solar system, The Kepler-90i.
Kepler—90辐射不稳定试题答案 在线课程 【答案】C 【解析】 由材料可知,八颗行星距离恒星都很近,因此八颗行星表面温度过高,不利于生命的存存,故C正确。有无卫星与生命存在关系不大,故A错误;没有材料显示行星频繁遭遇陨石撞击,故B错误;恒星辐射的能量应比较稳定,故D错误。据此分析选C。
Kepler-90 e, planet, semi-major axis: 0.42±0.06 AU Kepler-90 d, planet, semi-major axis: 0.32±0.05 AU Kepler-90 c, planet, semi-major axis: 0.089±0.012 AU Kepler-90 b, planet, semi-major axis: 0.074±0.016 AU Kepler-90 i, planet Planets in the system This table lists...
Kepler-90i wasn't the only jewel this neural network sifted out. In the Kepler-80 system, they found a sixth planet. This one, the Earth-sized Kepler-80g, and four of its neighboring planets form what is called a resonant chain – where planets are locked by their mutual gravity in a...
Kepler-90 d, planet, semi-major axis: 0.32±0.05 AU Kepler-90 c, planet, semi-major axis: 0.089±0.012 AU Kepler-90 b, planet, semi-major axis: 0.074±0.016 AU Kepler-90 i, planet Planets in the system This table lists all planets in the system Kepler-90. Kepler-90 hKepler...
I see some processes that are 0, but plenty that are non-zero: $curl localhost:8888/metrics|grep kepler_process_bpf_cpu_time_ms_total|sort -k 2 -gkepler_process_bpf_cpu_time_ms_total{command="node",container_id="system_processes",pid="442204",source="bpf",vm_id=""} 0kepler_proces...