Kepler-10b行星上每过一个小时,会有超过万亿束的闪电降落在地面。这种极端天气的出现,很可能是由于Kepler-10b行星上遍布的火山活动。科学家们认为,这些火山喷发会将大量的热能和物质释放到大气层中,导致大气层的电离和电荷分离,从而形成强烈的雷暴活动。 ...
在最近的美国天文学会第217届记者招待会上,NASA艾姆斯研究中心的负责人Natalie Batalha博士发表了重要声明。她揭示了Kepler-10b,一颗被科学家们广泛关注的系外行星,它的发现具有里程碑式的意义。Kepler-10b以其尺寸之小,成为迄今为止观测到的最小的岩石行星,这颗星球并非存在于我们的太阳系,而是围绕着...
目前,天文学家最新研究显示,一颗体积略大于地球的超炽热系外行星每小时出现上万亿束闪电。 这颗系外行星叫做Kepler-10b,它的表面遍布持续喷发的火山,从而导致大气层带有强电流。除了Kepler-10b,研究人员还预测了许多系外行星的闪电类型,它们是基于对地球、金星、木星和土星风暴的观测结果得出的。 这项最新研究报告发表...
Welsh, E. Devore, A. Gould, Kepler 鈥檚 first rocky planet: Kepler-10b. Astrophys. J. 729 , 27 (2011)Batalha NM, Borucki WJ, Bryson ST, Buchhave LA, Caldwell DA, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Ciardi D et al (2011) Kepler’s first rocky planet: Kepler-10b. Astrophys J 729:27...
这颗星球现在被叫做Kepler-10b,是美国航天器Kepler的最新发现。 3. However, it was dethroned in January 2011, with the announcement of Kepler-10b. 然而这一称号在2011年1月因Kepler-10b的公布而被废除。 4. If Kepler can find a planet as small as 10b, it can ...
Layer upon layer of gases can create pressure strong enough to crush a Brink's truck like a paper cup, and the lack of terra firma leaves little place for life to take hold.ANDREW GRANTDiscover
The magnitude of those brightness dips — in Kepler-10b's case, it was a drop of 0.015 percent, Batalha said — tells researchers how big the planet is, relative to its parent star. Measurements made by the Keck Telescope in Hawaii determined how much the newly discovered planet tugged on...
We present thermal mass loss calculations over evolutionary time scales for the investigation if the smallest transiting rocky exoplanets CoRoT-7b (1.68Earth) and Kepler-10b (1.416Earth) could be remnants of an initially more massive hydrogen-rich gas giant or a hot Neptune-class exoplanet. We ap...
#kepler-10b环游记 表演的时候因为跪得太用力,裤子的膝盖处磨破了,talk时发现了既不说「好痛喔」也不说「5555流血了要妈妈呼呼!」,只是超有元气地嘟囔「出大事了!明天还要穿怎么办!」 --->>>160729 cr...