We present an investigation of spin-orbit angles for planetary system candidates reported by Kepler. By combining the rotational period Ps inferred from the flux variation due to starspots and the projected rotational velocity Vsin Is and stellar radius obtained by a high-resolution spectroscopy, we...
The circles have a radius of 1″. The progenitor has dramatically faded in the optical but there is still faint near-IR emission. Reproduced from ref. (Adams et al., 2016a). (8b) N6946-BH1 light curves from HST (large circles), Spitzer Space telescope (SST, squares), Large Binocular...
several weeks of factory work, and a week or two of sailing through the northern province of Friesland where small lakes (by American standards) are connected by a multitude of waterways that bring one through the centers of picturesque towns. ...
). this logarithmic divergence occurs in the absence of collective effects. the problem is even more serious when collective effects are taken into account because an infinite homogeneous system is jeans unstable. it is therefore necessary to artificially confine the system within a sphere of radius...
We derive a reliable bolometric light curve that indicates that the shock breaks out from a dense layer with a radius substantially larger than typical supergiants. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio ...
Using the surface rotation period derived from Kepler photometry, we obtained a well-defined relation between A(Li) and rotation. The seismic radius translates the surface rotation period into surface velocity. With models constrained by the characterisation of the individual mode frequencies for single...
emission in OGLE16aaa. However, recent simulations of realistic disk formation31suggest that the shock heating rate of the initial self-intersections near the apocenter radius might be much weaker than that required to power the optical emission (~1044 ergs−1); hence, it appears not enough...
We present a review of the interplay between the evolution of circumstellar disks and the formation of planets, both from the perspective of theoretical models and dedicated observations. Based on this, we identify and discuss fundamental questions concerning the formation and evolution of circumstellar...
The main difficulty here is to reliably estimate the flare loop minor radius (and cross-section area), the magnitudes of the magnetic field and longitudinal electric current in it. The latter is especially difficult if the flare is located near the limb and vector magnetograms are not available...
The marginally bound radiusR_{\mathrm{mb}}is the minimum pericenter that avoids capture by the event horizon and is of orderR_{\mathrm{g}}(Bardeen et al.1972). The online “Open TDE Catalog”https://tde.space/is a useful resource for the observationally-curious reader....