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Das S, Bernasconi E, Koutsokera A, Wurlod DA, Tripathi V, Bonilla-Rosso G, et al. A prevalent and culturable microbiota links ecological balance to clinical stability of the human lung after transplantation. Nat Commun. 2021;12(1):2126. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Li...
secondcomfun="wilcox.test",secondalpha=0.01,mlfun="lda",#线性判别分析,可选随机森林ldascore=3,#线性判别分数type="others"#非物种)deres# The original data: 384 features and 14 samples# The sample data: 1 variables and 14 samples# The taxda contained 334 by 3 rank# after first test (kru...