Increasing version of package(s) in repository kdl_parser to 2.12.1-1: upstream repository: release repository:
kdl_parser kdl_parser_py This was originally part of theros/robot_modelrepository. It has been moved to this repo as described byros/robot_model#195 Releases 33tags
根据ROS Wiki官方教程(kdl_parser)进行操作后,catkin_make总是出错,如下, 原因是找不到kdl_parser包,解决办法是在CMakeLists.txt里面,添加上以下代码, 添加后再catkin_make一下,就不会报错了。... 查看原文 catkin_make编译错误 (gazebo_ros_control相关报错) catkin_make编译错误(gazebo_ros_control相关报错)...
The kdl_parser is used in a couple of robotics applications outside of ROS. It would be nice, if the ROS and catkin dependencies would be removed or become optional (e.g. only use catkin and rosconsole if they are available). The dependency on ROS is very low, since only the logging...
File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/kdl_parser_py/", line 84, in _add_children_to_tree _toKdlJoint(parent_joint), File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/kdl_parser_py/", line 67, in _toKdlJoint ...
A handwritten Python 3.7+ implemenation of a parser for the KDL Document Language, fully compliant with KDL 1.0.0. IMPORTANT NOTE: The repo is currently undergoing an upgrade to KDL 2, and as such the current main branch does not work (because this is a small project and I can work out...