长期以来,“马克思的生态学”(Marx’s ecology)这一表述被认为是自相矛盾的(oxymoronic)。马克思的批评者,甚至还包括许多宣称自己是马克思主义者的人,都相信马克思预设(presupposed )了不受限制的经济和科技的发展作为历史的自然规律(natural law of history),并将这一规律宣传为对自然的绝对控制(absolute mastery of...
This lesson aims to fully cover the ideas and theories developed by Karl Marx which are considered most distinctive and influential. Specifically, the goal is to get a solid grasp of what Karl Marx thought of both capitalism and socialism and also of Karl Marx's significance, how these ideas...
This book offers the first realist reconstruction of Marx’s critique of capitalism. Reading Marx through a realist lens enables us to make sense of the connections between (1) Marx’s positive concept of freedom, rooted in a theory of human development, (2) his understanding of alienation as...
Len Hart
Famous for their critique of capitalism and for advocating social revolution, Marx and his co-thinker Frederick Engels are far less known for their concern for the destruction of the environment and the need for sustainability. Taken together, their views on the relationship between human society an...
Karl Marx viewed capitalism as a social system which was characterized by The naked exploitation of many people by a few people. Contradictions, strains, and tensions within the system. These contradictions are created by the system. The drastic and violent change of the system....
Because the proletariat or employees were being oppressed and exploited, Marx argued that they would rise up and revolt, leading to the downfall of the system. Ideology and false consciousness Capitalism, nonetheless, has survived in the West for some 200 years, so how does Marxism explain its...
here Marx sees the social function as a way of expressing and coping with social inequality, thereby maintaining the status quo. Marx argued that this alienation of human work (and resulting commodity fetishism) is precisely the defining feature of capitalism. Prior to capitalism, markets existed ...
Why Karl Marx is more relevant than ever An upbeat biography places the great thinker in his 19th-century context Save Friday, 9 March, 2018 Life & Arts What would Karl Marx write today? Two hundred years after the philosopher’s birth, two staunch believers in capitalism rewrite ‘The ...
Karl Marx’s theories on communism and capitalism formed the basis of Marxism. His key theories were a critique of capitalism and its shortcomings. Marx thought that the capitalistic system would inevitably destroy itself. The oppressed workers would become alienated and ultimately overthrow the owners...