Karl Marx viewed capitalism as a social system which was characterized by The naked exploitation of many people by a few people. Contradictions, strains, and tensions within the system. These contradictions are created by the system. The drastic and violent change of the system....
David Harvey asserts that Marx's Capital is devoted to a rigorous examination of capitalism as an economic system. According to Harvey, history as such is for the most part absent. The following analysis acknowledges that the economics of capitalism is fundamental to Marx's great work. But in...
Marx viewed this relationship between capital and labor as the basis of bourgeois society. As capitalism is driven to increase the margin of surplus-value produced by workers, the individual laborer's lot in life grows invariably worse. Improved conditions would simply interfere with the increases ...
Marx and the Moving Image approaches cinema from a Marxist perspective. It argues that the supposed 'end of history', marked by the comprehensive triumph of capitalism and the 'end of cinema', calls for revisiting Marx's writings in order to analyse film theories, histories and practices. Simi...
This paper traces the history of reception of “Capital” and other texts of Marx and Engels in the Southeast Asian region in the backdrop of its twentieth-century political history in which communism played an important role. However, the issues of...
Marxism is taught drily and negatively on university campuses today, as a failure and a foil to triumphant global capitalism. Peck's film , splendid in the use of the camera, capturing as it does, the ravages of early industrialization in the textile mill the Engels owned in Manchester, the...
InHegelianism: The work of Marx idealism Inidealism: Criticism and appraisal philosophy of history Inphilosophy of history: History as a process of dialectical change: Hegel and Marx philosophy of religion Inphilosophy of religion: Philosophy of religion since the 19th century ...
Challenging common depictions of Marx that downplay or ignore his commitment to politics, democracy, and freedom, Leipold shows that Marx viewed democratic political institutions as crucial to overcoming the social unfreedom and domination of capitalism. One of Marx’s principal political values, ...
In general, Marx claimed there are two major flaws inherent in capitalism that lead to the exploitation of workers by employers: the chaotic nature of free market competition and the extraction of surplus labor. Ultimately, Marx predicted that capitalism would eventually destroy itself as more people...
The macrodynamics of capitalism : elements for a synthesis of Marx, Keynes and Schumpeter This book provides an introduction to advanced macrodynamics, viewed as a di- quilibriumtheoryof?uctuatinggrowth. Itbuildsonanearlierattempttoreformulate 1 the foundations of macroeconomics from the perspective of...