2. 相机标定结果yaml 3. imu内参yaml 4. bag kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --targetapril_6x6.yaml --cam camchain.yaml --imu imu_adis16448.yaml --bag dynamic.bag --bag-from-to 5 45 参考: 此过程报错:NO module named scipy.optimize sudo apt-get install python-scipy (2)自制标定板 kalibr_cr...
My environment : Ubuntu 14.04, ROS indigo, Python 2.7, pip 1.5.4 When I execute the kalibr_calibrate_camera, I get the "ImportError : No module named sm" error message. To install the "sm", I commanded the "sudo pip install sm" but I got...
rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --bag /home/bilal/Desktop/son5.bag --cam /home/bilal/Desktop/33/camchain.yaml --imu /home/bilal/Desktop/33/sensor.yaml --target chess.yaml Output: Estimating imu-camera rotation prior Initializing a pose spline with 4990 knots (100.000000 knots per...
kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --bag [filename.bag] --cam [camchain.yaml] --imu [imu.yaml] --target [target.yaml] The temporal calibration is turned on by default and can be disabled using the--no-time-calibrationargument. More information about options is available using the help argument:...
Camera calibration step passes OK, but at kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera call I get Illegal instruction signal even on the sample dataset. Is there anybody know what is wrong with it? OS: Ubuntu 16.04 Kalibr: built from sources Command from the sample dataset: kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --...