其次,如果 “去看一个时间,就是在它的真理中去看它”【”to look at a time thus, means to look at it in its truth,”】,那么[20]这意味着Kairos与Logos之间的关系并不完全是简单的对比,而是永恒的Logos在Kairos这一独特的时间的时刻变成了暂时的Logos。约翰-史密斯(John E. Smith)提供了以下注释:”…...
Understanding kairos Kairos vs. chronos Kairos in classical rhetoric Kairos today Why kairos matters How to use kairos Examples of kairos onscreen In Ancient Greek, the word kairos (pronounced 'KAI-ros') means 'time' – but not just any time. It's about timeliness: the special moment when ...
Kairos really means presenting information at the right and opportune time. "Clearly, the notion ofkairospoints out that speech exists in time; but more important, it constitutes a prompting toward speaking and a criterion ofthevalue of speech," says John Poulakos in a 1983 article titled, "T...
Kairos is the Greek word for the opportune moment, which is precisely what it means in rhetoric. According to this principle, the time in which an argument is deployed is as important as the argument itself.An argument at the wrong time or to the wrong audience will be wasted; to be eff...
, or opportunity, refers to the ways in which a rhetor makes creative use of available discursive means, a process at once immensely important to rhetorical theory and tremendously difficult to approximate, but Mikhail Bakhtin's discussion of literary chronotopes suggests an invaluable tool for ...
Rhetoric (n) - the art of speaking or writing effectively (Webster's Definition). According to Aristotle, rhetoric is "the ability, in each particular case, to see the available means of persuasion." He described four main forms of rhetoric: Ethos, Logos, Pathos, and Kairos. In order to...
就是在它的真理中去看它”【”to look at a time thus, means to look at it in its truth,”...
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to review and discuss the varied ways computer programming is introduced to schools and families as a new form of learning. The paper examines the rhetoric around coding within academic journals and popular media articles over the past three decades. This ...