The Ancient Greeks knew when to deliver a message so it had maximum impact. They called it kairos. And you can learn how to master it.
If you come across logical fallacies in your writing, take time to reconstruct your positions so they’re logically sound. This could mean changing how you approach and explain your argument or adjusting the argument itself. Remember, using a logical fallacy doesn’t necessarily mean the idea bei...
Some modern scholars may also considerkairosas an additional mode of persuasion.Kairosis usually defined as referring to the specific time and place that a speaker chooses to deliver their speech. For written rhetoric, the “place” instead refers to the specific medium or publication in which a ...
Rhetorical questions are used in variousforms of writingandrhetoric. They can be found in literature and are often used in persuasive writing, like essays, debates, and speeches of all kinds, whether political or a commencement speech. They’re also common in everyday conversation as figures of ...
Well, it is a transitional month and we are in a liminal time, so perhaps restless or nostalgic or sad, or excited, or eager, are all valid. Maybe I’ll go buy some back to school shoes. When chronos and kairos collide March 18, 2022/2 Comments ...
Bad! Common errors in reasoning Often substitute emotion for evidence Often oversimplify. TODAY’S GOALS Introduced basic and advanced strategies for counterarguments Continue planning for the class debate. What is a logical fallacy? More on Argument....
Obviously, great writing helps, but I don't think we appreciate actors enough for what they do. So, let's use this time and the comments section to talk about some of the best and talk about who we aspire to write for in the future. ...
Eun No coming in clutch. Just excellent all around. Brava to the writing on this. Now, the previews are kind of annoying me, but Ji-Ho's grief at find that awful woman is married with a child is perfectly and rationally understandable. I would be feel like s(&t and then I would ...
Preaching the Gospel, sharing the Gospel, declaring the Gospel, speaking the Gospel, writing the Gospel for reading, or recording the Gospel for hearing—or any new means that might appear in the future to help us communicate the truth of the Gospel message of the Word of God...
This was such a hugekairosmoment for me. What I realized in this moment and what maybe you’ll realize after reading this, is we too often discredit ourselves from the abundance of blessings God desires to bestow upon us because we tell ourselves we’re too needy, or not ready… the li...