What is logos? Logos was introduced by the philosopher Aristotle as one of the modes of persuasion, alongside ethos, pathos, and kairos. In his work The Art of Rhetoric, Aristotle describes logos as “reasoned discourse” in which a writer or speaker provides facts, figures, and additional in...
Kairos:Language that communicates the timeliness of its speaker’s position. Rhetorical devices are the strategies used to communicate rhetoric to an audience. In essence, they’re thehowof how rhetoric works. Rhetorical devices can incorporate any of the four forms of rhetoric and, in some cases...
Kairos.This is one of the most difficult concepts in rhetoric; devices in this category are dependent on the idea that the time has come for a particular idea or action. The very timeliness of the idea is part of the argument. Read More What Are Tropes in Language? By Richard Nordquist ...
However, “A Whisper of AIDS” is the first domino in her line of work to break the “shroud of silence” known as AIDS (“American Rhetoric: Mary Fisher”).Fisher spoke from the heart, and as well as the mind in “A Whisper of AIDS”, which effectively touched the hearts of many ...
In the first section, I show how the mathematical strategies that notation facilitated rely on prudential rhetoric's sense of the opportune moment, also known as kairos or decorum. In the second, I show how the necessary balance within notation between compression and lucidity similarly relies on...
imagine a trueBurkean parlor--physically--and you will have imagined one example of a rhetorical place as I have tried to construct it."(Jerry Blitefield, "Kairosand the Rhetorical Place."Professing Rhetoric: Selected Papers From the 2000 Rhetoric Society of America Conference, ed. by Fre...
Her research interests include digital rhetoric, new materialist theories, and multimodal pedagogy. Her works have appeared in Kairos, Postdigital Science and Education, and edited collections. She is currently working on a manuscript that explores the efficacy of multimodal campaigns in fostering ...
Lynch employs the concept of "kairos," the right time, to describe a key strategy of persuasion. The speaker or writer recasts the facts of the situation "to create a sense of urgency and opportunity" (17). It is the potential medical applications ...
You’ll find logical fallacies just about anywhere you find people debating and using rhetoric, especially in spaces that aren’t academic or professional in nature. In fact, we can almost guarantee that you’ve encountered logical fallacies on social media, especially in the comments under divisiv...
The wordpathosis derived from the Greek wordpáthos,which means “experience,”“suffering,” or “emotion.” The Greek philosopher Aristotle introduced the concept of pathos in his written workRhetoric, in which he also introduced the three other modes of persuasion:ethos, logos, and kairos. ...