In human NK cell assays, the leukemic K562 cells are commonly used as targets for their high and reproducible sensitivity to NK lysis. The K562 cell line was originally considered as a highly undifferenciated cell line of the granulocytic lineage (Lozzio and Lozzio, 1975). However, several ...
Kasatori N, Ishikawa F, Ueyama M et al (2005) A differential assay of NK-cell-mediated cytotoxicity in K562 cells revealing three sequential membrane impairment steps using three-color flow-cytometry. J Immunol Methods 307(1-2):41-53
耐药肿瘤细胞的低表达导致耐药肿瘤细胞对NK细胞杀伤敏感性下降 关键字:自然杀伤细胞;MHCI类链相关分子A/B;K562细胞 ExpressionofHLAClassIMoleculesandMHCClassI ChainrelatedMoleculesA/BinK562andK562/AO2CellLines andTheirEffectsonCytotoxicityofNKCells AbstractThestudywasaimedtoinvestigatetheexpression ...
结论:NK细胞与K562细胞持续性接触后,双方发生了相互免疫编辑作用;NK细胞 的杀伤活性下降,其分子 机制是细胞表面相应的配受体发生了变化. [关键词]K562细胞;杀伤细胞,天然;NKG2D;MHCI类链相关分子;免疫编辑 [中图分类号]R392.12[文献标识码]A ReciprocalimmunoeditingbetweenNKcellsandK562cells ...
562/A O 2cell li ne s w ere ana l y zed by f l ow cy t om etry .C y t o t o x icity o f NK cells (iso lated from 3hea lt hy person s)ag ainst K 562and K 562/AO 2ce lls w ere detected by LDH releasi ng assay at different e ffec t to targe t cell ...
cell CIK 是用多种细胞因子共同作用培养出的 增殖能力强 有细胞毒活性的杀伤细胞 具有T 淋巴细胞强大的抗瘤活性 1 2 也具有NK细胞的 非主要组织相容性复合体 major histocompatibility complex MHC 限制性杀瘤 特点 1 3 5 树突状细胞 dendritic cell DC 作 为体内功能最强大的抗原递呈细胞 能显著刺 激初始型...
NK cellsproteometwo-dimensional gel electrophoresisTo better understand the natural killer(NK)cell cytotoxicity mechanism at the proteome level,we comparatively analyzed the proteome of the human NK-92 cells which participate in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity assay and that of control cells.Soluble ...
The T cell were activated to be tumor specific CTL after DCs and exosomes were co-cultured with autologous T cells derived from healthy volunteers′ PBMNC. The effect of CTL on K562 cells was detected by MTT assay. The results showed that treatment of T cells with exosomes derived from ...
Population distributions revealed that different types of conjugates were formed as the effector-to-target ratio was changed in the NK(H7.8)–K562 and NK(H7.8)–MOLT4 tumor cells. In both cases conjugates where one effector cell was bound to several target cells and conjugates with one target...
1 Treichel RS, Olken S. The relationship between MDR and resistance to NK and LAK lysis in human leukemic cell lines. Int J Cancer, 1992,50:305-310. 2 曹建平,初俊杰. 抗CD3单克隆抗体激活的杀伤细胞抗瘤活性的研究. 中国免疫学杂志,1993, 9:351. ...