and as such remains very intriguing for the study of DUBs that play a role in the degradation, as well as the proteasome itself. These tri-ubiquitin chains are generated from the enzymatic linkage (E2-25K) of wild-type ubiquitin through lysine 48. The most distal ubiquitin contains an argini...
and as such remains very intriguing for the study of DUBs that play a role in the degradation, as well as the proteasome itself. These di-ubiquitin chains are generated from the enzymatic linkage (E2-25K) of wild-type ubiquitin through lysine 48. The most distal ubiquitin contains an arginin...
and as such remains very intriguing for the study of DUBs that play a role in the degradation, as well as the proteasome itself. These di-ubiquitin chains are generated from the enzymatic linkage (E2-25K) of wild-type ubiquitin through lysine 48. The most distal ubiquitin contains an arginin...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“Poly-ubiquitin chains (Ub2-16) (K48-linked) BML-UW0670-0100”的生产销售。多年的“Poly-ubiquitin chains (Ub2-16) (K48-linked) BML-UW0670-0100”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名
In addition, Pex22p binding allows Pex4p to specifically produce lysine 48 linked ubiquitin chains in vitro through an unknown mechanism. This activity is likely to play a role in targeting peroxisomal proteins for proteasomal degradation.Groves, Matthew R.Schroer, Carsten F. E.Middleton, Adam J....
K48-linked poly-ubiquitination also promotes the chromatin extraction of proteins by the ubiquitin-selective seg- regase VCP/p97. VCP/p97 is recruited to DNA breaks in an RNF8-dependent fashion requiring the formation of K48-linked ubiquitin chains [4]. The presence of VCP/p97 at DNA ...
measuringRpn11activitytowardK48-linkedchains.Cleavageoftheamidebond betweentheC-terminalglycineofubiquitinandrhodamineresultsinanincreasein rhodaminefluorescenceat535nm(Exc.485nm). Rpn11(POH1),aJAMM-typeisopeptidase,isoneofthreedeubiquitinatingenzymes
(Fig.1a), which is typically used for controlled enzymatic synthesis of ubiquitin chains29. Fitting our binding data to a 1:1 binding model (Supplementary Fig.2a) resulted in abnormally high χ2and systematic deviation in the residuals (Supplementary Fig.2b). Improved fits were observed using ...
Here, we perform a quantitative proteomic analysis of ubiquitin linkage-type selectivity of 14 UBD proteins and the proteasome in yeast. We find that K48-linked chains are directed to proteasomal degradation through selectivity of the Cdc48 cofactor Npl4. Mutating Cdc48 results in decreased ...
Although we found that TRAF6 mediated K48/K63-linked polyubiquitination of ATG9A in response to oxidative stress, it is not clear whether ROS induced ATG9A for K48/K63 branched or unbranched mixed-linkage ubiquitin chains. Moreover, the exact interplay between ATG9A ubiquitination and Beclin 1...