The K2 Disruption 78Ti's full retail price is 849,95 €. The Ski costs roughly 40 € more than the average price of all Sport Carver Ski, making it an upper mid-range model. This ski is just right for good skiers. Stable but not overpowering. This stiff-tailed ski is designed for ...
The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is a brain area involved in modulating behavior associated with social interaction, disruption of which is a core feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Functional brain imaging studies demonstrate abnormalities of the ACC in ASD as compared to typically develo...
In addition, this hypothesis also predicts that selective disruption of thalamic K2P channels in vivo may produce a similar sleep phenotype to that seen in the TASK-3 global knockout. In comparison to the study of K2Ps and sleep, the study of K2P channels in anaesthesia has advanced much ...
The importance of kinesin-1 driven axonal transport suggests that any disruption to this process may be detri- mental to neurons. Indeed, damage to axonal transport is strongly implicated in Alzheimer's disease [2, 5, 9, 30, 55]. Here we show that LMTK2 interacts with KLC1/2 and that...
The efficiency of siRNA-1 was relatively satisfying with 60% of total YAP1 without disruption of exogenous one (Fig. 5K). The trans- membrane cell of the HA-YAP1143A group declined sig- nificantly compared with the HA- YAP1143D (378 ± 79.8 VS 651.7 ± 58.1, P ...
Therefore, ROS homeostasis must be strictly regulated to maintain cell health, and its disruption is considered a major cause of myocardial injury [48]. In addition, ROS-induced mitochondrial insults lead to greater ROS accumulation, which results in more severe mitochondrial damage and cell death ...
While, originally, Bartters’ syndrome was largely attributable to the disruption of NaCl reabsorption in the thick ascending limb and resistance to loop diuretic furosemide [64,69], animal knockout models also exhibited a dramatic reduction of salt reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule and ...
Klebsiella pneumoniae is an important opportunistic pathogen often resistant to antibiotics. Specific phages can be useful in eliminating infection caused by K. pneumoniae. Klebsiella phage vB_KlebPS_265 (KlebP_265) and its host strain were isolated from