学术翻译,我译为了开战正当性(jus ad bellum)与战时正当性(jus in bello)。但我不清楚这两个词的字面意思是什么。 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 拉丁文 <==> 英文:jus == law / justicebellum / bello == warad == to / towardin == in / within你的翻译完全正确,而且也和字面意思基本一样。
bellum / bello == war ad == to / toward in == in / within 你的翻译完全正确,而且也和字面意思基本一样。
诉诸战争的权利 ( jus ad bellum) 和战争法规 ( jus in bello) ※王海平(西安政治学院 国际战争法研究所 , 陕西 西安 710068) 摘要: 西方正义战争理论旨在从道德的角度对人类战争实践进行反思和批判 , 它包括两个既相互联系又相互区别的方面: 诉诸战争的权利 (jus ad bellum) 和战争法规 (jus in bello)。
传统上,正义战争理论家将他们的研究分为战前正义(jus ad bellum)和战时正义(jus in bello)的思考。最近,他们又增加了对战后可允许的行动的说明,即战后正义( jus post bellum)。还有人建议独立地关注战争的退出,他们将其称为停战正义( jus ex bello和 jus terminatio)(Moellendorf 2008;Rodin 2008a)。这些拉...
The relationship between jus ad bellum and jus in bello has been characterized differently throughout European history. There have been three main positions exemplified by Hugo Grotius, Samuel von Pufendorf and Emer de Vattel. They are, first, both the cause and the conduct of warfare must be...
This chapter deals with the issue of the distinction between jus ad bellum and jus in bello. What is the rationale for this distinction in international humanitarian law? How does this distinction concern individual responsibilities and duties under inte
Jus ad bellum economicum and jus in bello economico : The Limits of Economic Sanctions Under the Paradigm of International Humanitarian LawThis chapter argues that economic sanctions—including sanctions imposed outside of the armed conflict context—should be regulated by the principles underlying ...
读音如下:jus 英[ʒu:] 美[dʒu:s]in 英[ɪn] 美[ɪn]Bello 英[ˈbejɔ:] 美[ˈbɛjɔ]单词解释 如下:jus in bello 网络释义: 战时法; 武装冲突法; 战争法规; 战争法; 交战正义;jus 英[ʒu:] ...
罗尔斯在正义战争传统的基础上探讨了开战正义和战时正义,并补充了战后正义。 Rawls explained his idea on Jus ad Bellum,Jus in Bello,and esp.
西方正义战争理论旨在从道德的角度对人类战争实践进行反思和批判,它包括两个既相互联系又相互区别的方面:诉诸战争的权利(jus ad bellum)和战争法规(jus in bello).这一理论不仅能加深人们对战争中道德问题的认识和省察,而且有利于促进战争伦理学的发展,为战争法规则的丰富和发展提供基本的理论依据. 著录项 ...