Intelligent Service Robotics Impact Factor2.3 5 Year Impact Factor2.9 Cite Score5.7 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)12 Social Media Mentions24 Downloads146,116 Science China Technological Sciences Impact Factor4.4 5 Year Impact Factor4.3 Cite Score8.4 Social Media Mentions32 Downloads210...
Journal of Field Robotics is listed at Guide2Research, Web of Science and Scopus. There are many top scientists who contributed to this journal such as Roland Siegwart, Vijay Kumar, Anibal Ollero and seth hutchinson For extra details on the instructions and submission provisions for authors, you... Scope The topic of published papers might be subjected to one or more of the following scopes: Autonomous robots Robotics modeling and design Embedded systems in robotics and control Information system engineering in Robotics and control Control systems Artificial intelligence in robo...
International Journal of Control Automation and Systems mostly deals with topics like Control theory, Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Mechatronics and Control theory. International Journal of Control Automation and Systems focuses on Control theory as well as the interrelated topic of Control engineering....
Aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice in all areas of intelligent systems and robotics. Combines theory, science, engineering, and mathematics to foster future innovations and technologies. Editor-in-Chief Kimon P. Valavanis Journal Impact Factor ...
Journal of Robotics and Automation Research, list of open access journals, open access, open access journals, open access publication, open access publisher, open access publishing, open access journal articles, Opast Publishing Group
Journal of Micro and Bio Robotics is devoted to the theory, experiments, and applications of small-scale, bio-inspired robotic systems and micro/nano technologies. Emphasizes on both theoretical and practical engineering research from the micro/nano level to the biological level of robotics. Invit...
Covers key research areas such as pattern recognition technology and control of system-environment interactions. Explores biochemical interactions in biological and biologically-inspired systems. Promotes learning for the improvement of communication schemes between systems. Editors-in-Chief Xi-Zhao Wang, Dani...
We now invite you to spread the word and submit more of your work! Our next goal is to establish a significant impact factor. Congratulations on your publication! Respectfully, The Editorial Committee Posted: 2023-11-12More... Call for Editors: IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automa...
Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 最近3年研究热点排名: 最近3年发表数目最多的国家和地区排名: 最近3年发表数目最多的机构排名: Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 引用次数排名前 20 的期刊: Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems中稿...