Glass Physics and Chemistry Impact Factor0.8 5 Year Impact Factor0.8 Cite Score1.2 Social Media Mentions13 Downloads27,685 Journal of Electroceramics Impact Factor1.7 5 Year Impact Factor1.6 Cite Score2.8 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)21 Social Media Mentions57 Downloads108,327 Jou...
Research Impact Score*: 17.3 Impact Factor: 3.7 SCIMAGO SJR: 1.028 SCIMAGO H-index: 323 Research Ranking (Chemistry) 27 Research Ranking (Materials Science) 30 Number of Best scientists*: 2230 Documents by best scientists*: 3500 Journal...
Ranking & Metrics Research Impact Score*: 39 Impact Factor: 10.7 SCIMAGO SJR: 2.804 SCIMAGO H-index: 295 Research Ranking (Chemistry) 8 Research Ranking (Materials Science) 6 Number of Best scientists*: 2699 Documents by best scientists*: 4304 ...
Materials science is a syncretic discipline associating metallurgy, ceramics, solid-state physics and chemistry. It is the first example of current academic practice emerging by fusion rather than fission. Materials Science focus on current research issues such as cracking, fatigue and fracture, ...
Online Journal Material Science open access, peer reviewed Journal that accomplishes in all aspects of new materials & their advancements. Material Science is a versatile subject, spanning the physics
undertaken with the understanding and appropriate informed consent of each. If experimental animals were used, the materials and methods (experimental procedures) section must clearly indicate that appropriate measures were taken to minimize pain or discomfort, and details of animal care should be ...
Applies the tools of physics in innovative ways to investigate biological processes, systems, and materials. Publishes Short Notes, Perspectives, Review papers, and original research papers. Editor-in-Chief Sonya Bahar Journal Impact Factor 1.8 (2023) ...
The Journal of Materials Informatics, Editor-in-Chief Tong-Yi Zhang, is an international English academic open-access journal focusing on the field of materials informatics. The journal aims to advance and accelerate the pace of materials discovery, desi
Journal of Physics Communications publishes high-quality research in all areas of physics and builds on the strength and prestige of the Journal of Physics series. The journal does not make a subjective assessment on the potential future significance of a paper, instead providing a rapid platform ...
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on basic and applied aspects of fluid and solid mechanics and technical ...