Impact Factor2.2 5 Year Impact Factor2.3 Cite Score4.8 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)9 Social Media Mentions48 Downloads237,928 Glass and Ceramics Impact Factor0.6 5 Year Impact Factor0.6 Cite Score1 Social Media Mentions20 Downloads37,264 Glass Physics and Chemistry Impact Facto...
JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS 5.000 73 Advanced Materials Interfaces 4.948 74 CMC-Computers Materials & Continua 4.890 75 Advanced Sustainable Systems 4.869 76 Liquid Crystals Reviews 4.857 77 Extreme Mechanics Letters 4.806 78 Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid...
JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS 5.000 73 Advanced Materials Interfaces 4.948 74 CMC-Computers Materials & Continua 4.890 75 Advanced Sustainable Systems 4.869 76 Liquid Crystals Reviews 4.857 77 Extreme Mechanics Letters 4.806 78 Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid...
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials accepts contributions dealing with the time-dependent mechanical properties of solid polymers, metals, ceramics, concrete, wood, or their composites. It is recognized that certain materials can be in the melt state as function of temperature and/or pressure. Contr...
The publishing policy for Applied Mechanics and Materials is to publish new innovative contributions that have been rigorously reviewed by skilled academic experts. The journal welcomes submissions from the research community where the priority will be on the originality and the practical impact of the ...
Magneto-acoustic protein nanostructures for non-invasive imaging of tissue mechanics in vivo Magneto-gas vesicles, protein nanostructures with enhanced ultrasound signal and sensitivity, enable the non-invasive, long-term and quantitative monitoring of the mechanics of three-dimensional tissues and animals...
of knowledge between various disciplines that deal with the properties of time-dependent solid materials but approach these from different angles. Among these disciplines are: Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Rheology, Materials Science, Polymer Physics, Design, and others...
This special issue, dedicated to Professor Frédéric Barlat, is a collection of the selected pieces of work presented in a special mini-symposium titled “Mechanics and Materials for Sheet Metal Forming” in honor of Prof. Fred Barlat in 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plast...
J. et al. Semi-active H∞ control of seat suspension with MR damper; published by Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2013. 2.2. Military (Tracked) Vehicle In addition to the previously mentioned applications, MR dampers are also used in various military sectors as seen in the research ...
Pressures of more than several megabars have long been thought to have a profound effect on the chemistry and physics of materials1,2and to lead to formation of phases with exotic crystal structures. In this work we have demonstrated that at pressures as high as those exceeding 600 GPa new...