或者选择正确的设备,这允许J-Link DLL执行(例如:在引导加载程序中暂停,重置下连接或检查是否是不安全的设备)特殊处理。
- ERROR: RAM check failed @ address 0x20000000. - ERROR: Write: 0x03020100 07060504 - ERROR: Read: 0x00000000 00000000 - ERROR: (0 bytes of RAM have been checked successfully) - ERROR: Failed to erase sectors - ERROR: Failed to auto program target Disconnecting ... - Disconnected 0 ...
gcc 中执行任务: ""C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V620a\JLink.exe" -ExitOnError1 -Auto...
tried anyway to load the application from 0x2000 but again got error - Start of flash programming - Programming range 0x00002000 - 0x00009FFF (128 Sectors, 32 KB) - End of flash programming - ERROR: Program failed - ERROR: Failed to auto program target don't know what to do more...
- De-initializing CPU core (Exit sequence) ...- ERROR: Failed to auto program target 求帮助 ...
Build target 'Target 1'linking...Program Size: Code=17396 RO-data=704 RW-data=124 ZI-data=...
Build target 'Target 1'linking...Program Size: Code=17396 RO-data=704 RW-data=124 ZI-data=...
We followed suggestions as this old ticket, using JLinkGDBServer with latest RT-UFL extension, but we failed to program the octal flash successfully, detailed error logs can be found in jlink-win-octal-err.txt. We can use the same JLink settings to download program to target RAM and run ...
AfterResetTarget() startMPU was enabled and is now disabled.AfterResetTarget() end - Took 1.02msErasing device... *** Error: Timeout while erasing chip, RAMCode did not respond in time (PC = 0x20000488, XPSR = 0x21000000, SP = 0x20000A48)!Failed to erase chip.Failed to ...