- Target interface speed: 4000 kHz (Fixed) - VTarget = 3.345V - Initializing CPU core (Init sequence) ... - ERROR: Could not perform target reset - ERROR: Failed to connect. Could not perform custom init sequence. and when I use the bat file to program it report the follow: ERROR:...
接着输入下面命令进行连接,ip改为实际的gdb server ip(即windows电脑ip),端口可以从JLinkGDBServer.exe启动后输出的日志信息获得。 target remote 连接成功,windows电脑上的JLinkGDBServer.exe会如下图所示有一个客户端已连接上。 ubuntu上输出内容如下图(仅供参考,内容不一定相同,只要没有明显报...
please check target hardware. 文心快码 针对你提出的问题“jlink info: reset (pin 15) high, but should be low. please check target hardware.”,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认硬件环境: 首先,确认你正在使用的微控制器型号和开发板类型。不同的微控制器和开发板可能有不同的引脚配置和复位...
- Could not measure total IR len. TDO is constant high.- Error: Scanning JTAG chain failed.- Communication error while accessing MDM-AP.- Connect Under Reset- InitTarget() end - Took 221ms- ERROR: Failed to connect.Could not establish a connection to target. Then I set debug...
- Connect Under Reset- InitTarget()- Connect Under Reset- Communication error while accessing MDM-AP.- Connect Under Reset- ERROR: InitTarget(): PCode returned with error code -1- ERROR: Failed to connect.Could not establish a connection to target.Connecting ...- Connecting via U...
The current GDBServer does not perform a reset of the target at startup by default. The doc is a bit outdated there because old/very old versions of the GDBServer always performed a reset of the target at startup. The only cases under which a reset of the target is pe...
在网上找了很多方法解决SWD模式下,烧录程序出现JLink Warning: RESET (pin 15) high, but should be low. Please check target hardware.,需要在烧录的时候按下RSET按钮才能进入烧录,这样就导致无法在线仿真,在网上找了很久,也没能解决,最终原因被找到,原来是我使用CUBE MX生成程序的时候没有使用SWD调试 stm3.....
***JLink Error: Can not read register 3 (R3) while CPU is running 。。。 然后就找不到芯片了。。。 根据TI的重置方法: Recovering a "Locked" Microcontroller 1. Assert and hold the RST signal. 2. Apply power to the device. 3. Perform steps 1 and 2 of the JTAG-to-SWD...
instead want to jump directly to the start address of your main application after a reset? You need to pass a J-Link Script file witch contains a ResetTarget() function in order to override the default behavior. C Source Code /*** * * ResetTarget */ void ResetTarget(void) { // /...
Configuring a debugger to work with a core in a multi-core environment does not require special settings. All that is required is proper setup of the scan chain for each debugger. This enables J-Link / J-Trace to debug more than one core on a target at the same time. ...