1、SWD模式第15脚可接可不接(有问题再接) 2、SWD模式第1脚VCC由目标板提供参考电压,若目标板MCU电压与SWD第2脚电压相同,则可以将1脚与2脚短接,实现3线式SWD
但是实际上接口是如下图所示箭头所示对接的: 也就是说我们JTAG的19脚对应的是SWD的1脚。 当你需要引线出来的时候JTAG的TDO 13脚对应的就是SWD的SWDIO 7 JTAG的RTCK 11脚对应的就是SWD的SWCLK 9 JTAG的N/C 19脚对应的就是SWD的 VCC 1 JTAG的2 VCC脚对应的就是SWD的 20 GND JTAG的TDI 5脚对应的就是SW...
---Target related settings--- Target device: nRF52832_xxAA Target interface: JTAG Target interface speed: 1000kHz Target endian: little Connecting to J-Link... J-Link is connected. Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Jul 24 2017 17:30:12 Hardware: V1.00 S/N:...
gwaddr Show/Assign network gateway address of/to the connected J-Link. dnsaddr Show/Assign network DNS server address of/to the connected J-Link. conf Show configuration of the connected J-Link. ecp Enable the J-Link control panel. calibrate Calibrate the target current measurement. selemu Se...
A new firmware version is available for the connected emulator. Do you want to update to the latest firmware version? … 这个问题是由于电脑中的JLink驱动版本比仿真器中的版本要高。 方法1、用老版本的JLink驱动(点此下载J-Link 4.40c)覆盖Keil中的JLink驱动,路径:Keil安装目录/UV4/ARM/Segger。
Target device: MKL17Z64xxx4 Target interface: SWD Target interface speed: auto Target endian: little Connecting to J-Link... J-Link is connected. Device "MKL17Z64XXX4" selected. Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Oct 25 2018 11:46:07 Hardware: V9.40 S/N: 59402905 Feature(s): RDI, GDB...
Target device: MKL17Z64xxx4 Target interface: SWD Target interface speed: auto Target endian: little Connecting to J-Link... J-Link is connected. Device "MKL17Z64XXX4" selected. Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Oct 25 2018 11:46:07 Hardware: V9.40 S/N: 59402905 Feature(s): R...
Connecting to target... Connected to target Waiting for GDB connection...Connected to Reading all registers Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0x20002000) Read 2 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0x2000) Received monitor command: speed 1000 Target interface speed set to ...
---Target related settings--- Target device: nRF52832_xxAA Target interface: JTAG Target interface speed: 1000kHz Target endian: little Connecting to J-Link... J-Link is connected. Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Jul 24 2017 17:30:12 Hardware: ...
nRESET has to be connected --- CP15 --- rce Read CP15. Syntax: rce , , , wce Write CP15. Syntax: wce , , , , --- ICE --- Ice Show state of the embedded ice macrocell (ICE breaker) ri Read Ice reg. Syntax: ri