In this post we show you how to use Jira's advanced JQL language to search for related issues. Often in Jira you'll want to search and find issues that are related to another issue. Perhaps you have Child issues or Linked issues for a particular issue you're working on. You just need...
particularly if it originated as a clone from a previous test or as a sub-task for another issue. Once Jira tasks are marked as ‘done,’ they are no longer visible. To find them, you must sift through historical issues using Jira’s search feature or export historical Jira ...
在保存的过滤器中键入的高级搜索-字段参考声明将覆盖ORDER BY声明。 不能运行或保存可能引起无限循环的过滤器(例如:你不能参考已保存的参考正在运行的过滤器的过滤器)。 支持自动填写功能。 语法 filter 别名: request savedFilter searchRequest 字段类型 FILTER 支持的运算符 支持的函数 n/a 示例 查询ID为12000,...
当使用IN 或 NOT IN 运算符时, epic链接支持: issueHistory() linkedIssues() votedIssues() watchedIssues()示例查找属于名为"Jupiter",问题键为ANERDS-317的epic的问题: "epic link" = ANERDS-317 或 "epic link" = JupiterFilter 你可以使用保存的过滤器来缩小搜索范围,通过过滤器名称或过滤器的ID进行搜索。
2. Basic JQL Search Basic JQL search is recommended if you’re new to Jira Query Language and want a simple way to filter issues. Access it from the Issue Navigator by choosing “Issues” > “Search for Issues” in the application header. The basic search bar includes drop-down menus to...
I was hoping that I could use a History search. If ... 90 views 5 0 stephan_lewis yesterday Question cloud filter jira jira-cloud Jira Form Task Creation Issue Created a form to allow others to add tasks for my team. We have 2 issues: 1) Only those who have member access to ...
Search for issues that were created by a particular user. You can search by the user's full name, ID, or email address. Note that an issue's creator does not change, so you cannot search for past creators (e.g. WAS). See Reporter for more options. ...
JIRA的高级搜索功能类似于SQL查询,是使用Jira查询语言(JQL)构建结构化查询来搜索问题。可以指定无法在快速或基本搜索中定义的条件(例如, ORDER BY 子句)。 注意,即使JQL使用类似SQL的语法,它也不是数据库查询语言。 一、如何执行高级搜索? 导航到Issues > Search for Issues ...
1 linkedissue = issueKey Supported fields Issue Supported operators =, != Examples Find subtasks that are linked to a particular epic: 1 linkedissue = epicKey-123 linkedIssues() Searches for issues that are linked to an issue. You can restrict the search to links of a particular type. ...
1 linkedissue = issueKey Supported fields Issue Supported operators =, != Examples Find subtasks that are linked to a particular epic: 1 linkedissue = epicKey-123 linkedIssues() Searches for issues that are linked to an issue. You can restrict the search to links of a particular type. ...