In the app where my team works, JQL Search Extensions for Jira, you can use this query to get all issues in the sprint plus linked issues to tickets in the sprint: project = "ABC" AND Sprint in openSprints() OR issue in linkedIssuesOfQuery("project = 'ABC' AND Sprint in openSprint...
All 20 entries will be copied from 'parent' to 'linked' issues as expected. However, from the 21st entry, for all the subsequent entries, the new values entered in 'parent' ticket will not be copied to 'linked' issue. 'Linked' issue just copies the 20th value every time to the '...
I am trying to create a JQL query to generate a list of tickets which are linked issues. For example, 1. project = ABC 2. Issues in project which have linked issues 3. Restrict "linkedissues" to issues not in "project = ABC" 4. List show the "linkedis...
Associations that come out-of-the-box are: blocks/is blocked by clones/is cloned by duplicates/is duplicated by relates to All linked issues will appear on each issue. This makes it easier for teams to navigate between connected work and showcase dependencies....
The limitation with this query is that it only returns results for one issue. If you want to find linked issues for more than one issue, then again we have to turn to the ScriptRunner app from the Atlassian marketplace. Anyway, back to what you can do with core JQL. If you want to...
While Jira simplifies linking between user stories, defects, and epics, it lacks built-in coverage or traceability reports. Searching for linked issues is time-consuming, and compliance adherence becomes challenging without any built-in workflows or reports to confirm link establishment. ...
Search for issues in Jira / Use advanced search with Jira Query Language (JQL)JQL fieldsJQL lets you search for a value in a specific field. Each field in Jira has a corresponding JQL name. If you’ve made a custom field, you’ll be asked to name the field. ...
It is possible for a filter name to be changed, which could break a saved filter that invokes another filter by name. Filter IDs, however, are unique and cannot be changed. An unnamed link statement in your typed query will override an ORDER BY statement in the saved filter. You can’t...
The advanced search allows you to build structured queries using the Jira Query Language (JQL) to search for issues. You can specify criteria that cannot be defined in the quick or basic searches.For example, you can use theORDER BYclause to sort Jira issues either in descending or ascending...
Usage: jql [options] [query] Options: -h, --help output usage information -c, --custom <name> Filter by custom jql saved in jira config Using jira sprint functionality, you canget issues tagged in a sprint eg. jira sprint -r YOUR_RAPIDBOARD -s STRING_TO_SEARCH_IN_SPRINT_NAME tag ...