The limitation with this query is that it only returns results for one issue. If you want to find linked issues for more than one issue, then again we have to turn to the ScriptRunner app from the Atlassian marketplace. Anyway, back to what you can do with core JQL. If you want to ...
Associations that come out-of-the-box are: blocks/is blocked by clones/is cloned by duplicates/is duplicated by relates to All linked issues will appear on each issue. This makes it easier for teams to navigate between connected work and showcase dependencies....
Find issues where Time to First Response has completed at least one cycle:"Time to First Response" = completed() componentsLeadByUser() Find issues in components that are led by a specific user. You can optionally specify a user, or if the user is omitted, the current user (i.e. you...
Find issues that are linked to a particular issue: issue in linkedIssues(ABC-123) Find issues that are linked to a particular issue via a particular type of link: issue in linkedIssues(ABC-123,"is duplicated by") Please make sure that you have the issue field pre...
approval = myPending() Find all requests that require approval:approval = pending() Assignee Search for issues that are assigned to a particular user. You can search by the user's full name, ID, or email address. Syntax 1 assignee Field Type USER Auto-complete Yes Supported operators = ,...
If you are aJirauser or administrator, you’ve likely explored the search feature to find specific issues or lists of issues. While some searches are simple, others can be complex and require knowledge ofJQL(Jira Query Language). Introduction to JQL Search ...
If you were in Server or Data Center, you could query the SQL database directly to find the issue count with a SQL query of: select count(*) from jiraissue; This returns the total number of issues regardless of your Jira permissions to see them. If you're using Jira Cloud,...
Project:A collection of issues Workflow:A workflow is simply the series of steps an issue goes through starting from creation to completion. Say the issue first gets created, goes to being worked on and when complete gets closed.The workflow in this case is: ...
If you have integrations with this internal API endpoint, migrate your system to use the teamSearch GraphQL query instead. 2 December 2024 Announcement Support for all Forge custom field types on the new Transition view Jira Forge now supports the group, groups, user, users, date, and date ...
Find issues where Time to First Response has completed at least one cycle:"Time to First Response" = completed() componentsLeadByUser() Find issues in components that are led by a specific user. You can optionally specify a user, or if the user is omitted, the current user (i.e. you...