Jindal Stainless Limited - Leading Stainless Steel Manufacturer. We provide cutting-edge stainless steel solutions for industrial and commercial applications.
Jindal Stainless Hisar Limited announces its Q2FY22 results, reporting growth and profitability despite pandemic-induced disruptions and market challenges.
相比竞争对手,Jindal Stainless Hisar的今日盘后价格变动基准如何? Jindal Stainless Hisar Ltd今日盘后价格变动 搜索公司或ETF 分析 财政年度 以下为Jindal Stainless Hisar Ltd今日盘后价格变动数据要点 : - 表现汇总 今日迄今品种或资产价格在盘后的变动 无可用数据...
The article reports on the reopening of hot strip mill of Jindal Stainless in Hisar, India, which was reopened in order to increase its melting capacity to 750,000 tons per year from 650,000 tons per year.EBSCO_bspMetal Bulletin Daily...
The article highlights the reopening of Jindal Stainless' hot strip mill at its integrated stainless steel plant in Hisar, northern India after its six-month refurbishment. It notes that the mill's annual melting capacity was increased from 650,000 tonnes to 750,000 tonnes. The plan of the ...
Study on the impact of CSR initiatives on the life of beneficiaries in and around Jindal Stainless HisarVrushabha GoreSamrudhi NavaleIJARIIT
As per the report released by Ind-Ra, the upgrade and RWE resolution factor in the improved visibility on the amalgamated business and financial profile of JSL and Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Limited (JSHL), continued deleveraging across the group entities, improvement in...